[Abstract]:Belt conveyor is a kind of transportation equipment which takes conveyor belt as traction mechanism and carrying mechanism. It is one of the most capable continuous conveying machinery. Belt conveyor has the advantages of low running resistance, stable operation, reliable operation and so on. It can realize continuous transportation under the condition of continuous loading, so it is widely used in various departments of national economy. Belt conveyors with large inclination, long conveyor belts and heavy loads may destroy belt conveyor system equipment and injured personnel in the event of belt breaking accidents, under the action of gravity of conveyor belts and materials. Causing long periods of shutdown and major safety incidents. Therefore, it is necessary to design a belt break protection device for belt conveyor, which can catch the broken belt quickly and reliably. Based on the theory of viscoelastic mechanics of belt, the finite element model of belt conveyor is established, and the belt breaking process is simulated and analyzed. According to the broken belt mechanism of belt conveyor and the commonly used method of belt break detection, this paper puts forward a method of belt breaking detection based on belt drape, and deduces the drape degree formula of conveyor belt. The feasibility and reliability of this method for detecting belt breakage accidents are obtained. Based on the new method of belt break detection and the structural requirements of belt break catcher of belt conveyor, a new belt break capture device, the cross section belt breaker, is designed. The catcher is simple in structure, reliable in work, and can be used to capture the broken belt. Finally, by analyzing the structural characteristics and working principle of the belt break catcher, and combining with the electronic control device of belt conveyor, the paper realizes the detection and feedback of belt break signal of belt conveyor, and the centralized control of belt break capture device.
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