[Abstract]:There are many kinds of special effects in the working environment of tower cranes, which are characterized by irregular shape and irregular movement, which are difficult to simulate by conventional modeling and rendering methods, or are difficult to take into account the authenticity of the models established. Real-time and openness requirements. Particle system is a method for modeling and image generation of irregular fuzzy objects. Formed the overall form and characteristics of the scene and dynamic changes. In this paper, a crane driving simulator is used as a scene to design and implement a realistic particle effect based on virtual reality. This topic comes from "tower crane simulation training system (project number: 2009QK0293)" and "tower crane cluster security operation intelligent control system (project number: 2009QK0294)" based on hardware-in-the-loop simulation. This paper first introduces the basic concept of particle special effect system based on virtual reality. After generating rules and processes, the visual effects of various particle systems are studied and analyzed. Points out that the existing particle effect is not perfect and the improvement scheme. At the same time, according to the existing collision detection technology, the application method in particle system is analyzed to make the effect more realistic. Adding particle effects to large application systems can effectively enhance the reality of the scene, make the system more powerful, user immersion better. In this paper, a variety of particle effects are realized, such as rain and snow effects, fog effects, and sparks in construction site. In the snow effect scene, the first attempt is made to calculate particle motion using collision detection technology, so that snow particles cannot cross other objects. To achieve a more realistic scene. This paper designs three kinds of special effect scene and motion control. According to the characteristics of particle scene, it uses texture-based modeling method and real-time rendering technology to establish a variety of lifelike special effect scenes. It not only increases the immersive feeling of the scene, but also improves the efficiency of generation. In order to make the effect of particle scene more realistic, this paper uses collision detection technology to control the motion of snow particle, and gives the result and analysis of particle collision with other models. The scene roaming of tower crane driving simulator is realized. Finally, the work of this paper is summarized.
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