[Abstract]:With the increasing fineness and complexity of large rotating equipment such as large turbo generator sets and the increase of supporting points of rotor system, higher requirements are put forward for the dynamic characteristics, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotor system. In this paper, the multi-support rotor system, which is the core part of the large turbogenerator set, is studied. Firstly, the single-span multi-disk rotor with two supports is introduced, and the Dunkelay method and the transfer matrix method are used. The critical speed is calculated by finite element method, and the characteristics and application range of the three methods are analyzed and compared. Aiming at the influence of various parameters in rotor system on critical speed, the concept of sensitivity of structural parameters to critical speed is proposed. Then, taking the four-span and eight-support multi-disk rotor system as the research object, the critical rotational speed is obtained by using the rotation structure module in ANSYS and the Campbell diagram of the critical rotational speed is extracted. The relationship between the single span rotor and the mode and critical speed of the rotor is analyzed. Through the analysis of the transient start-up response, it can be concluded that the maximum vibration amplitude of the rotor system through the resonance region can be reduced by properly increasing the starting acceleration, so as to ensure that the rotor system can operate more safely and reliably, thus prolonging the service life. The amplitude and frequency characteristics of the system and the wave diagram are obtained through the experimental study of a single span and two support single wheel rotor test rig, and then the critical rotational speed test values of the system are obtained. The experimental results are compared with the results obtained by ANSYS simulation. The results are in good agreement with each other, which indicates that it is feasible to calculate the critical speed of rotor by using the rotating structure module in ANSYS. The fourth span rotor of the four-span eight-support multi-wheel rotor test rig is built and the test system is installed and debugged including the selection and calibration of the sensor. The static calibration test and static and dynamic simulation calibration of a two-dimensional bearing load sensor developed by our research group show that the static and dynamic characteristics of the sensor are good and can accurately measure the bearing load. Because the fault characteristics of the rotor system can be monitored and diagnosed by extracting the fault characteristics of the shaft center trajectory, two kinds of shaft center trajectories under different steady speed are extracted in the experiment, and the results are compared with those obtained by simulation after de-noising processing. The characteristics of the axis locus under different steady speed are obtained.
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