[Abstract]:The scheduling technology of manufacturing process will affect the production cycle, cost and efficiency to a great extent. Optimization of manufacturing process scheduling can effectively improve the level of production management and manufacturing automation, thereby improving the competitiveness of enterprises. Job shop scheduling problem is a simplified model of many practical problems in production scheduling. It is a key and core problem that manufacturing enterprises can not avoid. All kinds of current scheduling methods have various defects in solving job shop scheduling problems. Therefore, it is always of great theoretical and practical significance to improve the existing scheduling methods or to find new scheduling methods. The search mechanism of ant colony algorithm simulates colony behavior in ant foraging process, which is suitable for solving combinatorial optimization problems such as traveling salesman problem. However, there are few researches on job shop scheduling problem and the effect of optimization is not obvious. There are no general rules to follow. The search mechanism of election algorithm simulates the motivation for higher support in the campaign, which is mainly applied to various functional optimization problems in continuous domain. In this paper, a new pheromone updating method is designed for job shop scheduling problem by improving ant colony algorithm. The election algorithm is discretized and a new scheduling method for job shop scheduling problem is explored and compared. The main results of this paper are as follows: (1) the characteristics of ant colony algorithm and job shop scheduling problem are analyzed. Two classical improved ant colony algorithms, ant colony system and maximum and minimum ant system, are discussed in this paper. On this basis, a new improved ant colony algorithm is proposed. In order to verify the effectiveness of the improved ant colony algorithm, it is applied to the solution of job shop scheduling problem and flexible job shop scheduling problem. The test function in the literature is used to calculate, and the calculated results are compared with the results in the literature. The results show that the improved ant colony algorithm greatly improves the efficiency and the result of solving the problem. (2) the basic idea, basic principle and application research in the field of continuous optimization are introduced. The election algorithm is applied to solve the job shop production scheduling problem. The solution of the problem is represented by the expression method based on the process, and the local voters are generated by the neighborhood search method based on the critical path. These two are the core techniques of discrete design of campaign algorithms. The discrete election algorithm is used to solve the FT06 example and the LA series standard scheduling function. Both the computing time and the result of the discrete election algorithm are obtained. The results show that the improved algorithm is effective and feasible. (3) Matlab 7 is used to realize the operation of the above two algorithms, and a toolkit to solve the job shop scheduling problem is constructed. (4) the similarities and differences between the improved ant colony algorithm and the improved election algorithm are analyzed, and the quality, time complexity and space complexity of the two algorithms are compared and analyzed.
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