[Abstract]:As a new technology in recent years, intermediate frequency smelting technology has been widely used in quenching, smelting and heat permeation industry. With the development of modern integrated induction heating technology and the improvement of intermediate frequency smelting automation, the reliability, stability and safety of intermediate frequency smelting system are becoming more and more important. In this paper, the main circuit voltage signal of intermediate frequency smelting system is monitored to realize the intelligent fault diagnosis of inverter short circuit fault. The frequency converter voltage signal with short-circuit fault is non-stationary random signal, the former Fourier transform is difficult to meet the requirement of fault eigenvector extraction, and the mathematical model of frequency converter fault is more complex. Based on the above reasons, a fault diagnosis method for intermediate frequency smelting based on wavelet packet transform and PSO neural network is proposed in this paper. The fault feature vector is extracted by wavelet packet, the fault is identified by PSO neural network, and the corresponding fault types of the system are outputted. The method of fault diagnosis is to use MATLAB software to model and simulate the thyristor open circuit in the main circuit and obtain the corresponding fault waveform. Secondly, when a system or circuit fails, the voltage or current measured at the test point is different from the normal energy value in the same frequency band. According to the law of conservation of energy, the energy of one frequency band is low, and the energy value of another frequency band may be high. The energy value of each frequency band of the signal is an effective information to reflect the fault state. The wavelet packet algorithm used in this paper is to decompose the coefficients of the signal and obtain a set of fault eigenvector in the form of energy. Finally, this paper mainly tests three kinds of short circuit fault states of frequency converter: no fault, one thyristor short circuit fault, two thyristor short circuit fault, designed the corresponding fault signal collection system and the test scheme. The PSO neural network is designed and trained by using the obtained eigenvector and three kinds of fault states. The algorithm is implemented by MATLAB platform. In this paper, the accuracy and effectiveness of the corresponding fault diagnosis algorithm are verified by simulation experiments. Through simulating the fault signal, the signal is collected and tested, and the fault feature vector is obtained by using wavelet packet algorithm to extract the fault signal. The PSO neural network is trained with the samples of known fault types, and the trained neural networks are tested with test signals. The test results show that the output fault type is consistent with the corresponding fault state of the actual test signal. The results show that the intelligent fault diagnosis method based on wavelet packet transform and PSO neural network is feasible for the system with strong randomness and fuzziness, and the convergence speed is fast and the accuracy is high, and the economic loss of the enterprise is reduced. It has great application value.
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