发布时间:2019-02-12 17:11
【摘要】:自动化立体仓库系统(Automated Storage and Retrieval System, AS/RS)作为现代工业领域出现的一种新型仓储技术,具有节约劳动力、作业准确高效、仓储利用率高等特点,已成为柔性制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System, FMS)和计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, CIMS)中不可或缺的重要组成部分。再则AS/RS涉及计算机技术、自动化技术、机械制造、电子技术、通信技术、智能优化理论等诸多领域,是多学科交叉的前沿课题,因而,对AS/RS开展优化研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 本文以某类企业的自动化立体仓库为研究对象,进行货位分配优化、仓库调度单目标优化、仓库调度多目标优化研究,同时针对多货叉多巷道立体仓库系统的性能评估进行积极探索。考虑到AS/RS是离散系统,因而,其优化问题属于一种组合优化问题,也是NP难问题。同时,传统精确算法求解效率与问题规模呈指数关系,很难在可接受的时间内求出最优或次优解。鉴于此,本文采用智能优化理论对AS/RS相关优化问题进行研究,并构建了系统优化与性能评估软件平台。本文主要研究工作概括如下: 1、在基于库区的货位分配优化问题中,为克服仅仅依据产品订单数量进行货位分配带来的弊端,本文采用数理统计的思想对单个生产周期内堆垛机平均运行时间进行数学建模,以堆垛机单位周期内的平均运行时间最小为目标对货位分配进行优化。同时,,提出一种改进型细菌觅食算法对该问题进行求解。基于种群多样性贡献率的迁移算子引入,增大了解空间的寻优范围,有效解决了易陷入局部最优的缺陷;自适应步长调整策略的实施,保证了前期的全局开拓寻优及后期的局部开发寻优。鉴于种群的大小会影响算法的性能,对种群的大小的选择进行了研究,并证明了算法的收敛性。最后结合现场实例对提出的算法进行了仿真,结果表明该算法是有效的。 2、针对立体仓库调度单目标优化问题,提出一种带交叉及启发式变异算子的蛙跳算法,交叉算子的引入有效阻止群体进化的“停滞”现象;启发式变异算法为提高算法全局寻优能力,引导各子种群快速向最优方向搜索,进而提高收敛效率做出了贡献。仿真结果表明该算法不仅提高了解的质量,而且也进一步提高了收敛速度,验证了该算法的可行性。 3、针对产品质量及生产效率的双重要求,构建了仓库调度多目标优化数学模型。考虑到目标之间存在一定的矛盾或冲突,提出一种基于pareto思想的多目标禁忌搜索算法。并提出基于矩阵论的邻域产生技术,大大提高了邻域的多样性,同时为减少进入局部最优的机率,引入惩罚策略。仿真结果表明该算法不仅求出的pareto解集对其他算法呈绝对支配,而且分布均匀,从而验证了该算法的可行性。 4、为对具有多货叉、多巷道的立体仓库系统进行性能评估,更好地了解货叉数量及巷道数与堆垛机拣选效率之间的关系,特对不同巷道不同货叉不同运行速度下的堆垛机的拣选效率进行了研究,并提出堆垛机拣选效率评估模型。同时,也对容量相同、尺寸不同的仓库系统的堆垛机拣选效率的变化情况进行了研究,并得出在容量相同的情况下,物理尺寸越接近方形的仓库系统,其堆垛机拣选效率越高的结论。这对于自动化立体仓库优化设计及企业生产计划安排将会有很好的指导作用。 5、采用C/S架构,并基于模块化的编程思想,搭建了立体仓库系统优化软件平台。这不仅解决了优化算法可以适应不同企业场合中的立体仓库系统优化问题,而且也为优化方法在工业应用中的可行性分析提供了参考依据。最后,结合某企业生产实际,对该系统进行了测试与验证。
[Abstract]:As a new type of storage technology in the field of modern industry, the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/ RS) has the characteristics of saving labor force, accurate and efficient operation, high storage utilization ratio and the like, and has become the Flexible Manufacturing System. FMS is an integral part of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS). In addition, AS/ RS involves many fields, such as computer technology, automation technology, machine manufacturing, electronic technology, communication technology, intelligent optimization theory, etc., it is the frontier subject of multi-disciplinary cross, so it is of great theoretical and practical value to carry out the optimization research on AS/ RS. In this paper, the automatic three-dimensional warehouse of a kind of enterprise is used as the research object, and the allocation optimization, the objective optimization of the warehouse schedule, the multi-objective optimization of the warehouse scheduling are carried out, and the performance evaluation of the multi-port multi-lane three-dimensional warehouse system is actively explored. So, considering that AS/ RS is a discrete system, the optimization problem is a combinatorial optimization problem, and it is NP hard to ask. in that meantime, the efficiency of the traditional exact algorithm is exponential with the scale of the problem, and it is difficult to find the optimal or sub-optimal in the acceptable time. In view of this, this paper studies the optimization problem of AS/ RS by using the intelligent optimization theory, and constructs the software level of system optimization and performance evaluation. The main research work of this paper is as follows: Next: 1. In the problem of allocation optimization based on the storage location of the reservoir area, to overcome the problem that the location allocation is only based on the quantity of the product order In this paper, the average running time of the stacker in a single production cycle is modeled by the method of mathematical statistics, and the average running time in the unit period of the stacker is the least as the target. At the same time, an improved bacteria feeding algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. The line is solved. The migration operator based on the contribution rate of the population diversity is introduced, the searching range of the space is increased, the defect that is easy to fall into the local optimal is effectively solved, the implementation of the adaptive step adjustment strategy is ensured, the global development of the early stage and the local opening in the later period are guaranteed. In view of the influence of the size of the population on the performance of the algorithm, the selection of the size of the population is studied and the algorithm is proved. Finally, the proposed algorithm is simulated with the field examples, and the results show that the algorithm is In order to solve the problem of single objective optimization of the three-dimensional warehouse, a frog-hop algorithm with a crossover and a heuristic mutation operator is proposed. The introduction of the crossover operator effectively prevents the 鈥渄ead鈥
[Abstract]:As a new type of storage technology in the field of modern industry, the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/ RS) has the characteristics of saving labor force, accurate and efficient operation, high storage utilization ratio and the like, and has become the Flexible Manufacturing System. FMS is an integral part of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS). In addition, AS/ RS involves many fields, such as computer technology, automation technology, machine manufacturing, electronic technology, communication technology, intelligent optimization theory, etc., it is the frontier subject of multi-disciplinary cross, so it is of great theoretical and practical value to carry out the optimization research on AS/ RS. In this paper, the automatic three-dimensional warehouse of a kind of enterprise is used as the research object, and the allocation optimization, the objective optimization of the warehouse schedule, the multi-objective optimization of the warehouse scheduling are carried out, and the performance evaluation of the multi-port multi-lane three-dimensional warehouse system is actively explored. So, considering that AS/ RS is a discrete system, the optimization problem is a combinatorial optimization problem, and it is NP hard to ask. in that meantime, the efficiency of the traditional exact algorithm is exponential with the scale of the problem, and it is difficult to find the optimal or sub-optimal in the acceptable time. In view of this, this paper studies the optimization problem of AS/ RS by using the intelligent optimization theory, and constructs the software level of system optimization and performance evaluation. The main research work of this paper is as follows: Next: 1. In the problem of allocation optimization based on the storage location of the reservoir area, to overcome the problem that the location allocation is only based on the quantity of the product order In this paper, the average running time of the stacker in a single production cycle is modeled by the method of mathematical statistics, and the average running time in the unit period of the stacker is the least as the target. At the same time, an improved bacteria feeding algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. The line is solved. The migration operator based on the contribution rate of the population diversity is introduced, the searching range of the space is increased, the defect that is easy to fall into the local optimal is effectively solved, the implementation of the adaptive step adjustment strategy is ensured, the global development of the early stage and the local opening in the later period are guaranteed. In view of the influence of the size of the population on the performance of the algorithm, the selection of the size of the population is studied and the algorithm is proved. Finally, the proposed algorithm is simulated with the field examples, and the results show that the algorithm is In order to solve the problem of single objective optimization of the three-dimensional warehouse, a frog-hop algorithm with a crossover and a heuristic mutation operator is proposed. The introduction of the crossover operator effectively prevents the 鈥渄ead鈥