[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the technical level of mechanical automation production in today's enterprises, More and more large-scale machinery and equipment are playing a vital role in the process of creating enterprise value, especially in the industries closely related to people's daily life, such as electric power and water conservancy. The role of these large-scale equipment appears to be even more important in order to ensure that these large-scale equipment can maintain a good state of operation, it is necessary for diagnostic experts to carefully diagnose and maintain them when these large-scale equipment failure, Diagnostic experts are always able to find solutions based on their own knowledge and experience. This paper uses a large number of diagnostic reports that record expert knowledge and experience as research data. The naive Bayesian method of mechanical learning is used to calculate and find out the most suitable diagnostic advice for the machine's current state description. Providing decision support for experts based on this new model of analysis results will help diagnostic experts to improve the efficiency of equipment diagnosis in order to be able to achieve this goal, using the concept of case-based reasoning. First, the diagnostic report is analyzed as a basic case and the case base is established, and then the text is initialized by natural language processing. Finally, naive Bayesian method is used to calculate the similarity between the device status description text and the diagnosis report. As a result, the most suitable equipment diagnosis suggestion to describe the problem is obtained, and the experiment of algorithm simulation is carried out by using Java language platform to assist the expert decision-making. The result of the final output proves that this method based on similarity analysis can get the best equipment diagnosis advice.
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