[Abstract]:Abstract: Cloud manufacturing is a new service-oriented network manufacturing model, which provides a new way for the service transformation of China's manufacturing industry. In order to promote the implementation of cloud manufacturing, this paper, taking the design stage of cloud manufacturing environment as the research object, puts forward a set of service theory and method for the design resource, and realizes the service access and service of different kinds of design resources under the cloud manufacturing environment. It provides a powerful design problem solving environment and a service-based design resource application mode. First of all, according to the formation of the design resources, it is divided into four parts: intelligence resource, knowledge resource, tool resource and design ability. In this paper, the design resource service platform is used as the integrated sharing platform of the four types of resources, and the structure and the structure of the platform are given. Point. The design resource service framework based on the federated meta-calculation is further put forward, which provides support for the design of the design resource service platform with ease of use, elasticity and self-management. A service-based design resource application mode is described. The manufacturing enterprise can not only dynamically join and evacuate the design resource service platform, but also use the resources in the form of service without considering the specific material of the bottom layer In order to realize the service access and service of various kinds of resources under the design resource service platform, the following three aspects are further carried out: In this paper, based on the characteristics of the design resources, the service architecture of SOOA (Service Object-Oriented Architecture) is used as the service framework of the bottom layer, and a service method of design resource based on SOOA is proposed. The service interface of the meter, the design resource service strategy and the design service dynamic supply, through the interface definition, the resource encapsulation and the dynamic supply three steps, the different kinds of design resources are dynamically supplied to the design service with the standardized interface and the SOOA characteristic, and the service connection of the design resources In order to realize the specification and fast encapsulation of the design resources, the design resource packaging method based on the service template is proposed, and the definition, structure, type and description language of the service template are given, and the service extraction and service are described. the method not only can accelerate and standardize the encapsulation of the design resources, but also can extract the existing design service programs into different types of clothes The traffic template is reused. The design engineer can use the design resources without programming In this paper, a design resource management model based on QoS (Quality of Service, Service Quality) and SLA (Service-Level Agreement) is presented, and the SL in this model is given. A Specification and QoS Specification and Built the SLA object model is established; according to the QoS requirement in the service request, the service resource satisfying the QoS requirement is configured or dynamically supplied to the service requester by the service resource dynamic negotiation process based on the SLA, and high quality is connected for the manufacturing enterprise Finally, in order to verify the validity and practicability of the service framework and method proposed in this paper, a design resource service platform for the structural design of the high-speed locomotive is designed, and the CRH2 vehicle is carried out under the platform. The application of the weight-weight design example of the axle realizes the four kinds of resources needed by the example. The pre-engineering application shows that the design resource service platform provides the user with a powerful design problem solving environment and a service-based design resource utilization mode, and is effectively scaled down.
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