本文关键词: 矿山地质环境调查 矿山地质环境评价 层次分析法 证据权法 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Mineral resources is an indispensable part of human economic development and social construction, but overexploitation will also cause varying degrees of impact on the environment. It will bring hidden danger to the safety of life and property of people in mining area and surrounding area, grasp the situation of mineral exploitation and geological disaster of mine, and evaluate the geological environment of mine. It is beneficial for the government to develop mineral resources rationally and to restore and control the mineral resources. The paper is based on the project of "remote sensing monitoring of mineral resources development environment in Shandong province". Taking Jiaodong working area of Yantai City, Shandong Province as the research area, this paper firstly collects the basic data, such as geographical data, remote sensing image, mining right data, and then extracts the natural geographical information based on domestic satellite image. The information of mineral exploitation and geological hazard is investigated, and the geological environment of mine in the study area is grasped. At the same time, the information of geological hazard is based on. Using the method of evidence weight to extract the information of the sensitive area of geological hazard. Finally, based on the above survey, the index layer information related to the geological environment of mine is obtained. To carry out mine geological environment evaluation. The following results have been obtained: 1) according to the requirements of the application, the pretreatment of Gaofen No. 1 and the topographic extraction technology of the satellite stereo image pair of Resource-3 are studied, and the vegetation coverage in the study area is obtained. According to the principle of object oriented classification, the methods of image segmentation and information extraction are applied to domestic satellite images. At the same time, based on the method of visual interpretation and field verification, the underground mining sites are investigated. Based on the spatial relationship between mine geological hazard and evidence layer, the contribution value of evidence layer to the occurrence of ground disaster is calculated by introducing the evidence weight method which is widely used in the evaluation and prediction of mineral resources. The probability value of the future geological hazard in the evaluation cell is given in the form of posterior probability, and the index layer information of the sensitive area of geological hazard is obtained. 4) the evaluation cell is established. Through the comprehensive statistics of the index layer information related to the mine geological environment obtained in the previous paper, the influence of various factors on the mine environment is analyzed by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Combined with the classification standard of mine geological environment quality evaluation index, the division of mine geological environment quality (good, good, general, poor) is obtained. From the research results of this paper, we can see that RS and GIS technology can play an important role in mine geological environment investigation. At the same time, combined with the corresponding index system, the evaluation of mine geological environment by the method is reasonable, scientific and comprehensive.
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