本文选题:选煤厂 切入点:信息管理体系 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, great changes have taken place in the survival environment of enterprises. Informatization will be more and more important to the survival and development of coal preparation enterprises. Through the research on the current situation of information management in small and medium-sized coal preparation plants in China, the paper aims at the shortcomings of the current information management system. The information management system of coal preparation plant is put forward. The coal preparation curve simulation technology is adopted in this system to analyze the production process of the coal preparation plant and to calculate the test data of the production process. The selectability curve and distribution curve designed by Henry's curve are used to evaluate the coal separability, separation efficiency and coal classification effect of coal preparation plant, and the fitting diagram of the raw coal selectability curve is obtained. A case study is carried out by selecting Datun Coal preparation Plant. To analyze the business process of the coal preparation plant production process, to inquire daily production process inspection data and quick ash data, to inquire the product sales data and the daily number and quality comprehensive daily, Based on PDCA cycle theory, the operation mode of information management system of coal preparation plant is put forward. Promote the improvement and improvement of the information management system. This system solidifies the advanced management thought into the enterprise operation flow through the computer and the information technology, gathers the production scheduling, the information management, the sales management in one body, To realize the smooth operation of dispatching production information control, to provide the necessary technical support for the management decision of coal preparation plant, and to improve the information level of coal preparation plant fundamentally.
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