本文选题:新型浮选柱 + 数值模拟 ; 参考:《贵州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, a new flotation column which can enlarge the upper limit of flotation particle size has been developed. It can not only floatate fine granular minerals in pulp, but also guarantee the monomer dissociation of useful minerals. Some coarse grained minerals larger than 0.075mm in pulp can also be recovered. Taking the ordinary flotation column as the initial model, the structure of the column was optimized and simulated by FLUENT software. According to the simulation results, a new type of flotation column was obtained. The flotation column consists of a column, a foam tank, a feed tube, a discharge tube, a bubble generator, a circulating funnel, a circulating pipe and a circulating pump. The main characteristic of the flotation column is that the flotation column has six sections of circulating pipeline and distributes symmetrically on both sides of the column, and each section of the circulating pipeline is provided with a valve. When floatation is carried out, the circulating height of slurry can be controlled freely by using valve according to the property and particle size composition of ore, and thus floatation can be realized. Through the study of the action mechanism of ore particles and bubbles and the factors affecting flotation efficiency, it is concluded that in order to improve flotation efficiency, the following aspects can be carried out: reducing bubble diameter, selecting appropriate turbulence intensity, and improving flotation efficiency. The relative velocity of bubble and particle is increased, the floating path of ore particles is shortened, the surface flux of bubble is increased, the height of flotation column is reduced and the residence time of pulp in column is prolonged. The design of the new flotation column meets the above requirements, which verifies the rationality of the new flotation column design. In this paper, a low grade calcium magnesia phosphate rock in Guizhou was selected as the test sample. Under six different grinding fineness conditions, the circulating pipe height, single and symmetrical circulation were tested. The results of cycle height test show that when the grinding fineness is in the range of 67.13% or 81.34%, high circulation should be selected to improve the grade and recovery of P2O5 in the concentrate, and when the grinding fineness is greater than 81.34%, the concentrate grade and recovery rate should be considered synthetically. The median circulation method should be used to improve the flotation effect. The experimental results of one-sided and symmetrical cycles show that when the grinding fineness is in the range of 67.13% or 81.34%, the single-sided circulation should be used, and when the grinding fineness is greater than 81.34, the grade and recovery of phosphorus concentrate should be improved by symmetrical circulation. A comparative experiment was carried out with the ordinary flotation column. The experimental results show that the concentrate grade obtained by the new flotation column has reached the best index of the ordinary flotation column when the grinding fineness is -0.075 mm accounting for 84.98%. The concentrate grade is not different from that obtained by ordinary flotation column, and the recovery rate is 0.43% higher than that of ordinary flotation column. When the grinding fineness of -0.075mm is -0.075mm, the grade of P2O5 in the concentrate is 0.29 higher than that of the ordinary flotation column, and the recovery rate of P2O5 in the concentrate is 0.07% higher than that of the ordinary flotation column. This shows that the new flotation column can enlarge the upper limit of flotation particle size by controlling the circulating pipes and valves, so that it can not only flotation the ore particles in pulp less than 0.075mm, but also can recover the ore particles larger than 0.075mm that are difficult to be separated by ordinary flotation column.
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