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发布时间:2018-06-06 09:58

  本文选题:短波红外技术 + 蚀变分带 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:多宝山铜矿是我国东北地区的超大型斑岩型铜(金)矿床。本文通过收集、整理已有资料,在多宝山铜矿3号矿体进行野外地质调查并采集样品,室内进行鉴定、实验测试及应用短波红外蚀变矿物分析技术,系统全面地对蚀变矿物进行分析,并结合矿体地球化学元素特征进行统计,获得以下认识:(1)通过短波红外蚀变矿物识别,发现矿区内的主要蚀变矿物(相对含量大于5%):伊利石、绢云母、绿帘石、绿泥石(含透绿泥石、Fe绿泥石);次要蚀变矿物(相对含量小于5%):蒙脱石、高岭石、方解石、孔雀石、石英、石膏等。人工识别的主要蚀变矿物种类与镜下及XRD物相分析结果相验证。(2)矿区从远矿围岩到钾化蚀变中心可划分3个蚀变矿物组合,矿物组合在空间上具明显分带,依次为:伊利石—绿帘石—绿泥石化带、蒙脱石—伊利石—绿帘石化带、高岭石—绢云母化带,其中蒙脱石—伊利石—绿帘石化带与铜矿化最为密切,绿泥石—绿帘石—伊利石化带为矿化外围蚀变带,高岭石—绢云母化带为近蚀变中心带。(3)发现矿区岩石短波红外光谱中Al-OH中心波长、强度比可有效反映铜矿化信息,表现有:矿化段蚀变矿物的Al-OH峰位向长波方向偏移明显,且普遍大于2210~2215nm,强度比以大于2.0为特征,该特征可作为矿区矿体找矿标志。空间分布上,矿化外围蚀变矿物的Al-OH 2200nm处中心波长明显低于钾化蚀变中心段的波长,可间接判定矿化温度应介于钾化与青磐岩化之间的结论,符合传统观点。该技术方法在此类矿床找矿勘查中具好的应用前景,并提供指导建议。(4)矿区内岩矿石Cu-Bi-Au-Mo在蒙脱石-伊利石-绿帘石化带内表现富集(富集系数20),且Bi在矿体外围具优先富集的特征,统计分析结果显示Bi、Mo、Au、Cd,K、Na与Cu相关,故可将Bi、Mo、Au、Cd(K、Na)组合作为矿体找矿标志。通过结合短波红外光谱技术应用与矿体地球化学特征分析,确定两类找矿标志,在多宝山斑岩铜矿3号铜矿体具有好的验证效果。
[Abstract]:Dobaoshan copper deposit is a very large porphyry copper (gold) deposit in northeast China. In this paper, through collecting and sorting out the existing data, the field geological investigation and sample collection in No. 3 orebody of Dobaoshan Copper Mine are carried out, and the laboratory identification, experimental test and application of short-wave infrared altered mineral analysis technology are carried out. Systematic and comprehensive analysis of altered minerals and statistics of geochemical element characteristics of orebodies have been carried out, and the following understandings have been obtained: (1) through the identification of short-wave infrared altered minerals, it is found that the main altered minerals (the relative content of which is greater than 5%: Illite) are found in the mining area. Sericite, verdite, chlorite (containing pervious chlorite / Fe chlorite); minor altered minerals (relative content less than 5: montmorillonite, kaolinite, calcite, malachite, quartz, gypsum, etc.) The main alteration minerals identified by hand and the microscopic and XRD facies analysis results verify that the ore-area can be divided into three altered mineral assemblages from the surrounding rock of distant ore to the alteration center of potassium, and the mineral assemblages are obviously zoned in space. The order is: Illite-green curtain-green mud petrochemical belt, montmorillonite-Illite-green curtain petrochemical belt, kaolinite-sericite zone, of which montmorillonite-Illite-green curtain petrochemical belt is the most closely associated with copper mineralization. It is found that the central wavelength of Al-OH in the short-wave infrared spectrum of the rocks in the mining area can be effectively reflected by the intensity ratio, and the alteration zone in the mineralized periphery is the chlorite-green curtain-Illite zone, and the kaolinite sericite zone is near the alteration center zone, and the intensity ratio can effectively reflect the copper mineralization information. The results show that the Al-OH peak of the altered minerals in the mineralized section is obviously shifted to the direction of long wave, and is generally larger than 2210 ~ 2215 nm, and the intensity ratio is more than 2.0, which can be used as a ore-prospecting marker of ore bodies in the mining area. In spatial distribution, the Al-OH 2200nm central wavelength of the mineralized peripheral altered minerals is obviously lower than that of the potash alteration central section, which can indirectly determine that the mineralization temperature should be somewhere between the potash mineralization and the Qingiranlitization, which is in line with the traditional view. This technique has a good application prospect in the prospecting and exploration of this kind of deposit. In addition, the authors provide guidance for the Cu-Bi-Au-Mo enrichment of rock ore in the montmorillonite Illite green curtain petrochemical belt (enrichment coefficient 20, and Bi preferentially enriched on the periphery of the orebody. The statistical analysis results show that Cu-Bi-Au-Mo is related to Cu. Therefore, the combination of Bi-Mo-Mo-Au-CD-CDK ~ (+) (Na) can be used as the ore-prospecting marker of the orebody. Combined with the application of short-wave infrared spectroscopy and the analysis of geochemical characteristics of orebody, two kinds of ore-prospecting markers are determined, which have good verification effect in No. 3 copper deposit of Dobaoshan porphyry copper mine.


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