[Abstract]:In coal mine construction, it is often necessary to excavate a large number of tunnels and chambers to form a complex underground chamber group system. In the underground cavern group system, the distribution of roadway and chamber is complex and overlapping, especially in the position of Matou gate, the stress change of surrounding rock is more complicated. In order to ensure the safety of construction and operation, it is necessary to study the underground chamber group system with complex structure. In this paper, the stability of surrounding rock and the stress redistribution of adjacent cavern group in Pan-Dong Coal Mine of Huainan Mining Group are studied by numerical simulation. The main contents and achievements of this paper are as follows: (1) based on the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion, the mechanical parameters of surrounding rock are estimated, and the stability of surrounding rock of deep shaft connecting cavern group is analyzed by using MIDAS/GTS finite element software. This paper reveals the distribution law of surrounding rock displacement field and stress field of cavern group under the condition of conventional bolting and shotcrete and two-lining composite support, and points out the importance of selecting the position of deep shaft connecting chamber group. At the same time, according to the results of numerical analysis, the design concept of reinforced support for deep shaft connecting cavern group is put forward. (2) the stress distribution at the entrance of horse head of deep shaft is analyzed by using ABAQUS finite element software. The curve of principal stress change and the stress path expressed by Lambe method are drawn, and the stress distribution law and stress redistribution process of horse head gate are revealed. It provides a reference for the safety monitoring of construction process. (3) by observing the change curve of principal stress and the stress path expressed by Lambe method, the influence of excavation process on the stress of measuring point can be seen, and the key excavation step can be obtained according to the change trend. It provides a reference for mine safety construction. (4) the regularization process of two-dimensional stress path is introduced, and the regularized two-dimensional stress path is compared with the traditional Lambe stress path. Both of them can express the process of stress redistribution. But the former takes into account the effect of intermediate principal stress on excavation safety. Therefore, the two stress path methods should be used in safety analysis.
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