[Abstract]:In the mining of coalbed gas wells, gas production is usually taken before drainage, and the output of gas is not slow but abrupt. In order to clarify the mechanism of gas well production, the structure of the coal reservoir and the process of gas production are deeply analyzed and studied. The results show that the coal reservoir is a double medium in the micro view of the coal and rock, which is composed of cleats (cracks) and matrix rock. It is composed of 2 systems, which are filled with formation water in the cleat and matrix pores, and the coalbed gas is the adsorbed gas in the matrix, which can be extracted after depressurization and desorption. The small amount of gas absorbed by the rigid solution is less saturated and dispersed in the matrix pore water in the form of bubbles, and these gases are no longer due to the pressure of the matrix capillary. With the increase of desorption gas, the bubble gradually becomes a continuous phase, the saturation degree of gas increases, the pressure increases and the fluidity increases, but the pores of the coal and rock matrix are generally small, the capillary pressure is higher, and many gases are still confined to the matrix pores. Only when the gas pressure rises to break through the capillary pressure, a large amount of desorption is carried out. Gas will pour into cleat, resulting in sudden increase in gas production in coalbed gas wells. The gas production pressure of CBM wells is lower than desorption pressure, and the desorption pressure of CBM is actually the saturation pressure of formation water or bubble point pressure. In the process of CBM mining, the corresponding throttle measures can be adopted to control the production changes of coal bed gas wells, so as to achieve the production change of coal bed gas wells. The effect of stable production and protection of coal seams and production pipe columns.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院;泛亚大陆能源技术有限公司;中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司开发部;中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院;
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