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发布时间:2018-07-31 07:25
[Abstract]:Because of the complicated geological conditions and the huge amount of rock engineering construction in mainland China, China has become one of the most serious engineering geological disasters in the world. In order to reduce the loss of personnel and property in the process of rock engineering construction, it is necessary to evaluate the stability of rock mass and forecast engineering geological hazards. The nature of rock and the complexity of the geological environment make it difficult to evaluate the stability of rock mass theoretically and must rely on monitoring methods. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the relationship between monitoring data and the stability of surrounding rock mass to prevent the geological disasters induced by rock mass instability, to ensure the safety of mine production and to reduce the loss of personnel and property. In this paper, based on the acoustic emission test, the variation of acoustic emission monitoring information in the process of rock failure is studied, and then a rock stability evaluation method is established by using the change law. Finally, the evaluation method is applied to the stability evaluation of the boundary top column of Shirengou Iron Mine. The main work can be summed up in the following aspects: 1. The acoustic emission (AE) test of altered granitic gneiss under uniaxial compression was carried out. The variation of AE impact parameters with time during rock failure was analyzed, and the time sequence of precursor phenomena and corresponding crack evolution stage were determined. Based on the variation of wave velocity with stress under uniaxial compression, the relationship between wave velocity and stress is established. Then, the model is put into the acoustic emission event location algorithm to realize the acoustic emission event location. 3. The temporal and spatial evolution of acoustic emission events under uniaxial compression is analyzed, and the time sequence of precursor phenomena of acoustic emission events before rock failure and the corresponding crack evolution stage are determined. The parameters of acoustic emission impact before rock rupture and the precursor phenomena of acoustic emission events are analyzed and the general time sequence of these phenomena is determined. Based on the relationship between the time sequence and the stage of crack evolution, a rock stability evaluation method based on acoustic emission time series is established. The method can make a reasonable evaluation result of rock stability under uniaxial compression. The rock stability evaluation method is used to analyze the microseismic monitoring data of Shirengou iron mine, and the stability of the boundary top pillar of Shirengou iron mine in the process of open-pit to underground mining is evaluated, and the more reasonable evaluation results are also obtained.


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