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发布时间:2018-08-23 10:22
【摘要】:煤炭的开发和利用对社会经济起着巨大的推动作用,同时也对环境产生了重大负面影响。中国积存达10亿吨以上的煤矸石被视为一种数量最大的工业固体废弃物,其资源化利用已成为人们研究的重点。 本文以河南大峪沟红旗煤业集团所产煤矸石(下文简称为大峪沟煤矸石矿)为实验原料,在充分取样的前提下通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)、高分辨率场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及能谱分析仪(HR-FSEM+EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、差热分析仪(DTA)和激光粒度分析仪等测试技术对大峪沟煤矸石矿以及所制备试样进行了全面表征和分析,进而对大峪沟煤矸石矿的性能进行综合分析与评价。 大峪沟煤矸石矿经拣选、破碎、筛分、除杂后,经高温烧成制备了重质莫来石均化料以及多孔轻质莫来石原料,重点探讨了球磨粒度、烧成温度、保温时间等工艺因素对煤矸石莫来石化的影响,并推广应用于重质/轻质莫来石原料的工业化合成,得到如下主要结论: 1.本实验所用大峪沟煤矸石矿属于富铝煤矸石,其熟料化学组成为Al2O3:67.33%和SiO2:22.05%。主晶相为一水铝石(AlOOH)及少量叶蜡石与高岭石,显微形貌在扫描电镜下呈鳞片状集合体。 2.煤矸石原矿的烧结实验研究表明,在1250℃时有少量莫来石微晶生成,烧成试样中莫来石相的含量随着烧成温度的升高而增大。煤矸石热解活化研究表明,,试样经600℃保温0.5h热解后,一水铝石全部脱去羟基水生成无定形的Al2O3变体,电子显微镜下煤矸石颗粒呈膨胀疏松状态,此时轻烧粉体比表面积大,煤矸石粉体活性最优。 3.以振动球磨3h后煤矸石粉体(D50=6.4μm)为原料,经1600℃保温3h可制得压块烧成莫来石,其体积密度与显气孔率分别为2.81g·cm-3和6%。烧成试样中所含物相为莫来石固溶体(Al4.56Si1.44O9.72)以及刚玉相(Al2O3),莫来石相对含量为74%。莫来石晶体长大完好且发育呈∥C轴、横断面为四边形的柱状,长度为5~14μm,晶体间互相交错,构成联锁网络状结构;刚玉相发育成柱状或腰鼓状,散乱分布在莫来石晶体周围。 4.以大峪沟煤矸石为原料,添加40%(w)玉米淀粉为造孔剂,聚乙烯醇溶液(PVA)为结合剂,经1500℃保温3h烧成后,可制得轻质多孔莫来石原料,其体积密度和显气孔率分别为1.19g·cm-3和62%。烧成试样中所含物相为莫来石固溶体(Al4.80Si1.20O9.60)以及刚玉相(Al2O3),且随着烧成温度的升高,莫来石相的相对含量呈现增大趋势,1500℃时有极大值73%。莫来石晶体结晶完好且发育呈∥C轴、横断面为四边形的柱状,长度为3~10μm。由于淀粉粒径小,生成的气孔以微孔为主且分布较为均匀,呈狭长形,尺寸在1~5μm左右。
[Abstract]:The development and utilization of coal plays a great role in promoting the social economy, but also has a significant negative impact on the environment. Coal gangue, which has accumulated more than 1 billion tons in China, is regarded as a kind of industrial solid waste with the largest quantity, and its resource utilization has become the focus of people's research. In this paper, the coal gangue produced by Henan Dayugou Hongqi Coal Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as Dayugou Coal gangue Mine) is used as the experimental raw material. Under the condition of adequate sampling, the measurements were made by means of inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-AES), high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy spectrum analyzer (HR-FSEM EDS), (XRD), differential thermal analyzer (DTA) and laser particle size analyzer (LPA). The technology was used to characterize and analyze the coal gangue ore and the samples prepared in Dayugou coal mine. Then the comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the performance of Dayugou coal gangue are carried out. After sorting, crushing, screening and impurity removal, the heavy mullite homogenizing material and porous light mullite raw material were prepared by high temperature sintering in Dayugou coal gangue mine. The particle size and firing temperature of ball mill were discussed. Influence of process factors such as holding time on Moleitization of Coal gangue and its Application in the Industrial Synthesis of heavy / Light Mullite Raw Materials, The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The Dayugou coal gangue used in this experiment belongs to aluminum-rich gangue, and its clinker chemical composition is Al _ 2O _ 3: 67.33% and Sio _ 2: 22.05. The main crystal phase is (AlOOH) and a small amount of pyrophyllite and kaolinite, and the microscopic morphology is scale-like aggregates under scanning electron microscope. 2. The sintering experiment of coal gangue raw ore shows that a small amount of mullite microcrystals are formed at 1250 鈩




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