[Abstract]:As the most important link of coal industry, coal production system needs a lot of input from tangible and intangible resources in the process of mining. However, when the input of system resources is limited, Under the condition of limited rationality, the stakeholders obtain as much resources as possible for their own interests, which leads to the imbalance of system resource allocation and hinders the safe and efficient production of the system to a certain extent. In order to improve the safety and efficiency of coal production system and realize the sustainable development of coal industry through rational allocation of resources, this paper takes system theory and cooperative development theory as the foundation, and takes system safety and efficiency cooperative optimization as the goal. The problem of resource allocation in coal production system is studied and optimized to provide theoretical basis and decision reference for coal enterprises to formulate reasonable resource allocation policy. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of coal production system are defined, and the connotation of safety, efficiency and resource allocation of coal production system is analyzed. The influencing factors and interaction mechanism of coal production system resource allocation are analyzed systematically, and the theoretical model of influencing factors of coal production system resource allocation is constructed. The results show that human resource subsystem, equipment subsystem and safety management subsystem have significant influence on system safety and efficiency. The environmental improvement subsystem has a significant impact on the system efficiency, while the emergency response subsystem and the environment improvement subsystem have no significant impact on the system security. Secondly, the self-organization and order parameters of coal production system are analyzed from the point of view of system cooperative development, and the goal is to realize system security and efficiency. The cooperative development model of coal production system and the cooperative development model of composite system are constructed, and the model is verified to be effective and reasonable by taking Huayu coal as an object. Finally, on the basis of verifying the effectiveness of influencing factors of coal production system resource allocation by using SEM, this paper constructs a dynamic model of coal production system resource coordination system from the point of view of system, taking Huayu coal as an object. The computer simulation software Vensim-PLE is used to simulate and analyze the sensitivity of the system. The results show that the reasonable resource allocation has a greater impact on the safety and efficiency of the system than the factor collaboration between subsystems and the internal factor coordination of subsystems. Therefore, in the process of production, we should first pay attention to the proportion of limited resources input among subsystems, secondly, to the coordination of factors among subsystems, and finally to the coordination of internal factors of subsystems. Through the reasonable allocation of resources, the coal enterprises can be ensured to develop safely and efficiently to the maximum extent.
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