[Abstract]:Coal gangue is the largest emission of industrial solid waste in China. Coal gangue not only occupies a lot of valuable land, but also causes a certain degree of environmental pollution. However, coal gangue can also be transformed into available resources, and the study of its utilization is also an important subject for the realization of sustainable development in coal mines. The environmental pollution problem in Xingtai, where the Xiande Wang Mine is located, has been highlighted in recent years, especially the air quality has occupied the reciprocal position of the whole country for a long time, and the municipal government has also attached great importance to the treatment of coal gangue. The commonly used coal gangue utilization schemes in Xiandewang mine include coal gangue brick, coal gangue power generation, coal gangue filling roadbed and so on. This paper briefly introduces the concrete situation of the common utilization methods in the mining area. How to choose these schemes to maximize the comprehensive benefits of the mining area is the most important content of this study. Combined with the practical experience of coal gangue utilization in Xiandewang mining area, according to the method of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, the comprehensive benefit evaluation of coal gangue utilization scheme is studied. By comparing several evaluation methods, fuzzy evaluation method is selected for comprehensive evaluation. In this paper, several kinds of coal gangue utilization schemes commonly used in Xiandewang mining area are taken as the research object of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. According to the order of priority calculated, the optimal comprehensive benefit of coal gangue utilization scheme is selected.
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