[Abstract]:Based on the remote sensing prospecting model of porphyry copper deposits in the middle and south reaches of the southwest Sanjiang River and the project of target selection, this paper combines the regional geological background with the extraction of alteration information and regional tectonic information related to porphyry copper deposits by remote sensing technology. In this paper, an extra large Yulong porphyry copper mine is selected as the study area to study the technique of extracting alteration anomaly information from multi-source remote sensing data and the extraction of line ring structure information. In this paper, OLI data and ASTER data are selected, and many methods are used to extract alteration information. At the same time, a 1 / 4 standard method is introduced to select the threshold, which is compared with the traditional threshold method. According to the different alteration information, the most suitable method for extracting the alteration of porphyry copper deposits in the study area is put forward. The main research contents and results are as follows: (1) according to the topography and geological conditions of the study area, the remote sensing data of different periods are compared and analyzed, and the best remote sensing data are selected. The remote sensing data are preprocessed by radiation correction, band combination and image mosaic and fusion. Image contrast enhancement and other processing made remote sensing image map and the extraction of line ring structure information. (2) the remote sensing image interference mask, using band ratio method, principal component analysis method, spectral angle matching method, The mixed pixel decomposition method and the logic operation method are used to extract the alteration information. (3) using OLI data and ASTER data to extract the alteration information and analyze them, the anomaly extraction is basically the same in the spatial distribution. However, ASTER data have better spectral resolution in short-wave infrared, and have some advantages in extracting hydroxyl groups. (4) in this paper, 1 / 4 standard deviation method is introduced for threshold cutting. By using quantitative method, the 1 / 4 standard deviation method and traditional threshold method are compared and analyzed, and the accuracy of threshold cutting is improved by means of mutual test. The results show that the 1 / 4 standard deviation method can effectively extract alteration information. (5) combining with the geological situation of the study area, the surrounding rock of porphyry copper deposit, the line ring structure and so on, through the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, The method of extracting alteration information from ASTER data is summarized, and the result of alteration extraction is analyzed and superposed. The superposition analysis shows that the Yulong mining area has good mineralization and alteration zoning.
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