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发布时间:2018-11-18 10:38
[Abstract]:Close coal seam mining is different from single coal seam mining. The influence of the mining mode chosen by the upper coal seam on the coal seam in the lower part of the near coal seam is different, and with the decrease of the coal layer spacing, the influence degree will increase. At the same time, the mining of extremely close distance coal seam in the cutting pillar goaf has the characteristics of very small coal seam spacing and the obvious effect of the coal pillar left by the upper coal seam on the mining of the lower coal seam. Because a large number of coal pillars have been left over after the upper coal seam is mined by the cutter pillar method, it is affected by the stress concentration of the coal pillar, the roof characteristics of the lower coal seam, the overburden structure, the relationship between the support and the surrounding rock, In mining, the characteristics of rock pressure show great difference. The distance between the No. 9 coal seam and the No. 8 coal seam in Wangfeng Coal Mine is only 0.75m, and a large number of coal pillars have been left after the No. 8 coal seam was mined by the knife pillar method, and the No. 9 coal seam is mined by "mining 9 caving 8" fully mechanized caving. Falling within the scope of the above discussion. Based on the actual situation of Wangfeng Coal Mine, this paper takes the information obtained from field investigation and physical and mechanical parameters measurement in laboratory as the starting point. Combined with theoretical analysis and similar simulation experiment, the characteristics of mine pressure behavior in coal seam No. 9 are studied. Finally, the characteristics of mine pressure behavior are further verified and enriched through underground pressure observation. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The characteristics of load state and strength limit of coal pillar are analyzed theoretically, and the distribution characteristics of plastic zone of coal pillar are also discussed. Therefore, the stability of coal pillar is analyzed synthetically. 2, the distribution law of stress transfer from coal pillar left over in upper coal seam to the floor is explored. 3. The overburden structure model of coal seam under the cutting pillar goaf is constructed. Based on elastic mechanics, the theoretical calculation of the structural model of clamped beam and cantilever beam is carried out to determine the initial and periodic pressure step distance of roof. 4. The integral structure of "load layer, main roof, coal pillar, direct roof and support" is divided into two substructures connected by coal pillars, and the reasonable support resistance is obtained. 5. Based on the similar simulation experiment designed at 9101 face of Wangfeng Coal Mine, The law of caving and the variation of mining stress of overburden strata in mining stope are analyzed. 6. Through the observation of mine pressure in the field, the law of fully mechanized top-coal caving in the coal seam of extremely close distance under goaf is further explored. It is in good agreement with the conclusion obtained by theoretical calculation.


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