[Abstract]:Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) were used to study the late Permian C17C19 in Puan-Qinglong mine area. The trace element contents of 8 coal samples and 7 coal ash samples in coal seam C22 and C26 were measured and analyzed. The results show that Li,Sc,V,Cr,Co,Ge,As,Nb,Mo,W,U and other elements are obviously enriched in coal and coal ash, and each element is more enriched in coal ash. Nb,Zr,V, is more abundant in coal and coal ash. The content of associated metal elements, such as Ga and U, basically reached or exceeded the boundary grade or the lowest industrial grade of the corresponding elements. The study on the enrichment genesis of associated elements in coal shows that the enrichment of elements such as Vapor CoNb and Zr is mainly controlled by the supply of weathering clastic materials in the Emeishan basalt from the source area, and the limited enrichment of the elements such as Uttrium molybdenum is related to the interaction of sea water. However, due to the same deposition of volcanic ash during the coal-forming period, the trace elements such as Li,Nb,Zr,Mo and U in coal show the characteristics of "one enrichment set". The low temperature hydrothermal action after coal-forming stage makes all coal seams, especially the bottom coal seam (C19C26), obviously enrich elements such as As,Mo,U and W, etc. The comprehensive analysis shows that the volcanic ash deposition in the same sedimentary period and the low temperature hydrothermal action after the coal-forming period are the main controlling geological factors for the abnormal enrichment of associated elements in the late Permian coal in Puan-Qinglong mining area.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学资源与环境工程学院;中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院;
【基金】:贵州大学研究生创新基金(2015060) 贵州省国土厅尾矿资源调查项目(2015034)~~
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