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发布时间:2018-11-18 20:51
[Abstract]:The characteristics of borehole gas emission is an important index to predict coal and gas outburst. It depends on a series of physical and mechanical factors (coal seam permeability, gas pressure, buried depth, structure, etc.) The influence of ground stress and technical factors of mine production (drilling arrangement, borehole diameter, mining influence, etc.). In coal mine, because of ground stress, gas pressure of coal seam is different, the rule and characteristic of gas emission from borehole are also different. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the characteristics of borehole gas emission under different gas pressure and ground stress conditions for guiding coal mine safety production. Based on the analysis of coal seam gas flow law and the stress state of borehole, a laboratory experimental device for determining the gas emission characteristics of borehole is built by using mathematical model and the mechanical properties of underground coal seam are simulated. The drilling process of drilling rig and the law of gas emission after drilling hole are analyzed and studied. The mathematical model is established by finite difference method, and the law of borehole gas emission is simulated by computer compiler. On the basis of the analysis of the stress state of the borehole, the effective stress principle is used to calculate the amount of cuttings by using the numerical model. On the basis of simulating the drilling process in the downhole with the experimental device, the variation law of gas emission during drilling and after drilling is studied, and the variation law of drilling cuttings quality under different ground stress and gas pressure is studied. The results of mathematical model calculation and experiment show that the gas emission from borehole increases sharply in a very short period of time, and with the drilling of drilling rig, the growth rate slows down slowly. The gas emission from borehole reaches the maximum when drilling machine reaches the deepest hole. The peak value and attenuation time of gas emission from borehole are different with different gas pressure and in-situ stress in coal seam. The gas emission from borehole varies obviously with gas pressure. The greater the gas pressure, the more the quantity of borehole gas emission, and the biggest increase in the amount of borehole gas emission in the early drilling period, after drilling stopped, the longer the attenuation time of borehole gas emission is, and the larger the attenuation range is in the early stage. The amount of cuttings increases with the increase of gas pressure, but the amount of cuttings is greatly affected by in-situ stress.


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