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发布时间:2018-11-20 20:16
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country, the demand for energy is increasing day by day, and the number and scale of coal mines are expanding constantly. At this time, how to ensure the safe and effective development and mining of coal mines is particularly important. The surface subsidence of coal mine is the main hidden danger of its safety. The deformation mechanism of the ground subsidence in coal mine is complex, the influence factors are numerous, and it is nonlinear. How to accurately and effectively analyze, monitor and forecast the surface subsidence of coal mine becomes its primary task. Grey model is more common in surface subsidence prediction, but the assumption of background value and the selection of initial value in classical grey prediction model are unreasonable, and can not be monitored and forecasted for a long time under the influence of origin error. This paper has done the following two studies: 1. On the basis of the classical GM (1Q1) prediction model, through the in-depth study of its modeling mechanism, the method of automatic optimal weight selection and least square method is used in this paper. The background value and initial value are improved. 2. On the basis of the study of the classical dynamic GM (1K1) prediction theory, it is found that the classical dynamic GM (1K1) prediction has the shortcomings of empirical selection and error of origin. In this paper, the theory of dimensionality optimal selection and the method of introducing monitoring data in real time are used to optimize the model, and a prediction model of equal dimension real-time dynamic GM (1 / 1) is established. Based on the ground subsidence monitoring data of a coal mine, the adaptability of the improved model is studied. The results show that the accuracy of fitting value of GM (1K1) model after optimization of background value and initial value is greatly improved, and the residual error of fitting value is between 1mm and 7mm, taking 13# monitoring point as an example. However, the residuals of the fitting values obtained from the classical GM model (1 ~ 1) are between 10mm; In terms of prediction accuracy, the residual values of the classical GM (1K1) model, the GM (1K1) model with optimized background and initial conditions, the classical dynamic GM (1K1) model, and the isodimensional real-time dynamic GM (1K1) model are 15-48mm / 11-39mm, respectively. 11-12mm 1-3 mm. The settlement error of the method is: M = 卤2. 2 (mm). The results show that: 1, the GM (1K1) model with optimized background value and initial value has outstanding accuracy of fitting value, and the precision of prediction value is also improved to a certain extent; (2) the iso-dimensional real-time dynamic GM (1t1) model is more suitable for ground subsidence prediction in coal mines, and the dynamic GM (1K1) model is more advantageous than the non-dynamic GM (1K1) model in long term prediction, which can reflect the actual situation more effectively.


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