[Abstract]:Taking Meishan Iron Mine as an object of study, under the large structural parameters of 18m 脳 20m spacing of segmental height 脳 route, different step distances were set, and no dilution ore drawing was adopted respectively. Similar material simulation experiments were carried out in three ways: low dilution ore drawing and current cutoff grade drawing. Combined with PFC2D numerical simulation, ore recovery and waste rock mixing were simulated and analyzed from two directions: front and side. The results show that the optimal caving distance of the three ore drawing modes is 4.5U 3.8 and 3.8 m, respectively, which is no dilution drawing, low dilution drawing and cutoff grade drawing. The non-dilution drawing mode basically does not destroy the integrity of the ore-rock interface and reduces the mixed opportunity of the ore and rock, so it can reduce the dilution to the maximum extent. Different ore drawing methods have different optimal drawing distance. When the stoppage is large, the mixed waste rock mainly comes from the upper part, and the positive side remains more, when the step distance is small, the front waste rock will be mixed too early, and the overall recovery rate will be low. When the walking distance is moderate, the positive waste rock and the upper waste rock are mixed at the same time, and the recovery effect is better.
【作者单位】: 北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51374032,51674015) 科技北京百名领军人才培养工程基金资助项目(Z151100000315014)~~
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