[Abstract]:Wide azimuth, wide band, high density (referred to as "two wide and one high") seismic acquisition technology in solving the problem of low signal-to-noise ratio area exploration, complex geological body imaging, Lithologic exploration and fine oil-gas reservoir description and monitoring have obvious technical advantages, but in order to popularize this technique, we must overcome the two restrictive factors of seismic source and acquisition. In order to reduce the wide azimuth on land, two restricting factors affecting the industrial application of "two wide, one high" seismic exploration technology, namely, the excitation of wide frequency signal source and the high efficiency acquisition technology of vibroseis, are discussed in order to greatly reduce the wide azimuth on land. The operation cost of high density seismic acquisition makes it economic and feasible. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of vibroseis wide frequency excitation technology and the targeted design of scanning signal, the user customizes the synchronous excitation method for the intelligent construction scheme of vibroseis high efficiency acquisition technology. The high efficient operation management of the team and the quality control and management of massive seismic data are refined and optimized. Combined with the practical application effect of seismic acquisition and processing, the good prospect of industrialization application of this technology is shown. The conclusions are as follows: (1) based on the new generation of low frequency vibroseis, the solution of broadband seismic excitation technology is presented. Based on the field seismic management system and the mass seismic data quality control and management system as the core, the vibroseis high efficiency acquisition technology solution has effectively solved the technical bottleneck mentioned above. The "two widths, one high" seismic exploration technology has already had the acceptable performance-price ratio; (2) this technique can greatly improve the imaging effect of seismic data and improve the prediction accuracy of oil and gas exploration under the condition of acceptable cost. It is worth popularizing and applying.
【作者单位】: 中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司;
【基金】:“十三五”国家科技重大专项“陆上宽频高密度地震勘探配套技术”(编号:2017ZX05018003) 中国石油天然气集团公司科研专项“物探重大技术现场试验与集成配套”(编号:2017D-35)
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