[Abstract]:Mine tailings, as a reusing resource rich in rare resources, is not only a precious wealth but also a potential factor affecting global environmental problems. Its reasonable treatment and utilization will bring great welfare to the society. This paper focuses on the study of the variation of tailings settlement rate under the action of flocculant. The main contents include the following three aspects. (1) on the basis of the previous domestic and foreign research results, the experimental data obtained from different mineral recovery operations in different mining areas, different experimental instruments, experimental materials and experimental methods are selected, and the experimental data are obtained by means of Excel,. Origin and other data processing software are used to analyze the kinds of flocculants added in tailings operation, the dosage of flocculants, the concentration of pulp, the PH value, and so on. The influence of temperature on the settling rate of tailings. (2) the influence of flocculant on settling rate and settling effect was analyzed, and the effects of different flocculants and the same amount of flocculant on the settlement of tailings were analyzed. It is concluded that mixing flocculant is the best choice for rapid settlement under the consideration of economic conditions, and the optimum dosage range of each flocculant is different according to tailings. (3) according to the data diagram, A simple and reasonable formula for calculating tailing settlement rate is established based on Professor Qian Ning's Theory of sediment Movement Mechanics. Through concrete calculation, the difference between the theoretical calculation results and the experimental data is analyzed and compared. Verify its feasibility in tailings treatment project. A simple integral operation is carried out to calculate the height of supernatant in settlement, so that it can be widely used in tailings separation engineering in the future. In this paper, the factors influencing the tailing speed drop are found to be the type of flocculant, the dosage of flocculant, the concentration of slurry, PH value, temperature and so on. That is to say, with the increase of their sedimentation rate, the settlement rate is not affected by these factors when they increase to the critical value. The flocculant is the most influential factor, which can effectively increase the settlement of tailings, especially the mixed flocculant which is widely used at present. Through simple calculation and analysis, it is concluded that the calculation formula of settlement rate based on the theory of sediment movement mechanics is more reasonable. The relationship between supernatant height (H1) and settling time (t) was compared with the experimental results, and the feasibility of the formula was verified. In order to achieve high efficiency and low cost of tailings treatment.
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