[Abstract]:In order to further explore the influencing factors of safety culture in coal mine enterprises, combined with the current research situation, six main factors affecting safety culture in coal mine enterprises are put forward. The structural equation model (SEM) is used to study the main factors influencing the safety culture of coal mining enterprises and the causal relationship between the factors. The second-order confirmatory factor analysis model of safety culture in coal mining enterprises and the causal path analysis model of influencing factors of safety culture were constructed by using AMOS17.0, and a questionnaire survey was conducted among 274 employees of two state-owned enterprises. It is proved that the six main influencing factors have a significant positive effect on the safety culture of the coal mine enterprises, and the importance of the influence factors on the safety culture of the coal mine enterprises and the relationship between the influencing factors are obtained.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学管理学院;西安科技大学能源学院;兖矿集团有限公司;
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