发布时间:2021-04-30 21:36
斑马鱼C型起动不仅发生于逃逸响应(C型逃逸),而且发生于非逃逸响应(C型转弯)。它们具有不同的变形模式和周期,并且运动学性能各异。在相同的弯曲幅度下,C型转弯实现更大的转弯角度,而C型逃逸则具有更快的游动速度。但尚不清楚它们的水动力学机制和力能学特征。本文针对C型转弯和逃逸的变形特征,建立新的曲率模型,采用优化算法拟合模型参数。通过自主游动数值模拟,发现C型转弯实现大转弯的机制在于:弯曲阶段存在比较大的正向力矩,而回摆阶段存在比较小的反向力矩;而C型逃逸在回摆阶段存在比较大的推力,导致反向力矩增大和转弯角度变小。还发现周期对转弯角度的影响不大,但对逃逸速度和能量消耗影响显著。因此,C型转弯为了节省能量,周期通常在100 ms以上;而C型逃逸为了追求高速度,周期则在50 ms附近。
【文章来源】:中国科学院大学学报. 2019,36(04)北大核心CSCD
【文章页数】:14 页
1 Materials and methods
1.1 The fish body model
1.2 Establishment of the curvature model
1.3 Determination of model parameters
1.4 Governing equations of the self-propelled swimming
1.5 Dimensionless parameters
2 Results and Discussions
2.1 Numerical simulation results and comparisons with experiment
2.2 Effects of deformation patterns
2.3 Effects of duration
3 Conclusion
[1]An energetics analysis of fish self-propelled swimming[J]. ZhongWei Wang,YongLiang Yu,BingGang Tong. Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy). 2018(07)
[2]斑马鱼C型起动中动力学特性的活体实验研究[J]. 张冰冰,余永亮. 实验力学. 2014(06)
[3]Observation and hydrodynamic analysis of fast-start of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)[J]. JING Jun, YIN Xiezhen* and LU Xiyun(Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui 230026, China). Progress in Natural Science. 2005(01)
[4]Hydrodynamic Analysis of C-start in Crucian Carp[J]. Jun Jing, Xiezhen Yin, Xiyun LuDepartment of Modern Mechanics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China. Journal of Bionics Engineering. 2004(02)
【文章来源】:中国科学院大学学报. 2019,36(04)北大核心CSCD
【文章页数】:14 页
1 Materials and methods
1.1 The fish body model
1.2 Establishment of the curvature model
1.3 Determination of model parameters
1.4 Governing equations of the self-propelled swimming
1.5 Dimensionless parameters
2 Results and Discussions
2.1 Numerical simulation results and comparisons with experiment
2.2 Effects of deformation patterns
2.3 Effects of duration
3 Conclusion
[1]An energetics analysis of fish self-propelled swimming[J]. ZhongWei Wang,YongLiang Yu,BingGang Tong. Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy). 2018(07)
[2]斑马鱼C型起动中动力学特性的活体实验研究[J]. 张冰冰,余永亮. 实验力学. 2014(06)
[3]Observation and hydrodynamic analysis of fast-start of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)[J]. JING Jun, YIN Xiezhen* and LU Xiyun(Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui 230026, China). Progress in Natural Science. 2005(01)
[4]Hydrodynamic Analysis of C-start in Crucian Carp[J]. Jun Jing, Xiezhen Yin, Xiyun LuDepartment of Modern Mechanics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China. Journal of Bionics Engineering. 2004(02)