本文关键词:3ZSP-2型甘蔗中耕施肥培土机刮板式排肥装置参数优化 出处:《农业工程学报》2016年23期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 农业机械 优化 机械化 甘蔗 中耕施肥 排肥均匀度 刮板宽度 刮板角度
【摘要】:为提高3ZSP-2型甘蔗中耕施肥培土机的排肥均匀度和稳定性,通过单因素及中心组合试验研究了其结构和性能参数对排肥均匀度的影响。以前进速度、刮板宽度和刮板角度为主要影响因素,采用Box-Behnken中心组合试验设计方法,建立了3ZSP-2型甘蔗中耕施肥培土机排肥均匀度的数学模型,通过回归统计方差、响应面和等高线分析了各机构参数对排肥均匀度的影响规律。结果表明:在刮板宽度30~50 mm,刮板角度15°~19°,前进速度为0.7~1.1 m/s试验参数范围内,各因素对排肥均匀度影响程度从高到低依次为刮板宽度、刮板角度、前进速度,排肥均匀度随各因素参数的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势。当刮板宽度为48.4 mm、刮板角度为16.5°、前进速度为1.09 m/s的参数条件下,施肥均匀度由原来的90.1%提高到92.97%,排肥稳定性提高,开沟深度稳定性达92.9%,肥料覆盖率达100%。研究结果为3ZSP-2型甘蔗中耕施肥培土机的设计和改进提供了理论依据。
[Abstract]:In order to improve the 3ZSP-2 sugarcane intertillage fertilizing machine ridging fertilizer uniformity and stability, through the combination of single factor test and research center of its structure and performance parameters on the uniformity of fertilizer effect. With forward speed, width and angle of the scraper scraper as the main factors, the Box-Behnken central composite experimental design method, the 3ZSP-2 type sugarcane cultivation fertilization Hiller fertilizer model uniformity, by the statistical variance, response surface and contour analysis of the mechanism parameters on the influence law of uniform fertilizer. The results show that the width of 30~50 mm on the scraper, squeegee angle of 15 DEG ~19 DEG, forward speed is 0.7~1.1 m/s the range of test parameters, the factors of fertilizer uniformity influence degree from high to low are scraper width, squeegee angle, speed and uniformity of fertilizer with different parameters was first increased and then decreased. When the scraper width is 48.4 mm, the scraper angle is 16.5 degrees, and the advancing speed is 1.09 m/s, the evenness of the fertilizer is increased from 90.1% to 92.97%, the stability of the fertilizer is increased, the ditching depth is 92.9%, and the fertilizer coverage is 100%. The results for the design and 3ZSP-2 sugarcane intertillage fertilizing banking machine provides a theoretical basis for the improvement.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江八一农垦大学工程学院;中国热带农业科学院农业机械研究所;
【基金】:广东省部产学研合作重大专项(2012A090300015) 广东省协同创新与平台环境建设专项(2014B090907006) 湛江市财政资金科技专项竞争性分配项目(2014A03003)
【正文快照】: 李明,张婷,董学虎,汪春,牛钊君,葛畅,韦丽娇.3ZSP-2型甘蔗中耕施肥培土机刮板式排肥装置参数优化[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(23):36-42.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.21.005 http://www.tcsae.orgLi Ming,Zhang Ting,Dong Xuehu,Wang Chun,Niu Zhaojun,Ge Chang,Wei Lij
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