本文关键词:基于AutoCAD的滴灌工程设计软件研究与实现 出处:《中国水利水电科学研究院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 滴灌工程设计 AutoCAD 软件 功能 数据库
【摘要】:我国的滴灌工程设计从最开始全部依靠手工设计,到现在发展为依靠CAD绘图和Excel计算完成,虽然从一定程度上缩短了设计周期,但计算过程仍然繁琐,在很大程度上已经无法满足滴灌工程设计的需要。利用计算机辅助滴灌工程设计,既能发挥计算机在绘图、计算、文件处理等方面的优势,又能节约设计时间、提高设计效率,为开发新产品创造了有利条件,然而我国灌溉方面的专业设计软件还非常少,尚未发挥出计算机带来的优势。为此,本文依托水利部公益性行业科研专项“广西糖料蔗高效节水灌溉发展模式研究(编号:201301013)”项目,基于现有的滴灌工程设计理论,以开发适合于我国的滴灌工程设计软件为目标,通过人机交互方式,在设计人员提供灌区基本信息的前提下,按照滴灌工程规划设计思路,开展基于AutoCAD的滴灌工程设计软件研究与实现工作,并将该软件命名为滴灌工程设计CAD系统软件。软件由图块文件、公共函数文件、系统配置文件、数据库文件、模板文件以及窗体文件等文件组成,还包括系统类、定义AutoCAD命令类等多个类,并取得软件著作权。本文主要研发成果如下:(1)结合滴灌工程设计理论及软件开发方面的相关知识,选定C#计算机编程语言、AutoCAD.NET API二次开发技术以及SQLite数据库作为软件开发技术。根据传统滴灌工程规划设计的流程,构造了由滴灌工程设计和材料设备数据库两大部分组成的软件系统框架。(2)采用模块化的结构方法,研发了滴灌工程设计CAD系统软件在设计方面的十大功能模块,分别是:工程设置、灌溉设计、管网设计与布置、管网计算数检、管网流量及管径计算、管道编辑、管网水力计算、水泵选型、材料设备表和生成设计报告,各模块在功能上相对独立,在整体上相互联系、缺一不可。(3)建立了滴灌工程设计CAD系统软件材料设备数据库,构建了管材规格表、滴灌管(带)规格表、管道配件表、过滤设备表、施肥设备表、水泵电机设备表和其他配件表等7类表格,实现了软件对不同材料设备的有序管理。(4)用糖料蔗滴灌工程设计等实例对软件进行测试,结果表明,软件可以完成滴灌工程的设计工作,并能输出管网布置图、轮灌组划分表、管网水力计算表、材料设备表以及设计报告,基本满足设计要求。测试通过后,形成了定型产品,取得了软件著作权。滴灌工程设计CAD系统软件以AutoCAD作为绘图平台,与国内外软件相比,既符合本土化要求,又具备自动计算高程值和生成设计报告的优点,是一款将滴灌系统设计、计算、制图、图表输出融为一体的专业化设计软件,具有较高的实用性。使用滴灌工程设计CAD系统软件进行糖料蔗滴灌工程设计,将设计时间由之前的几天缩短为几小时,缩短了设计周期,提升了设计效率,有助于改变在滴灌设计领域依赖国外软件或者制图软件和办公软件结合的现状。
[Abstract]:Drip irrigation engineering design in China from the beginning to now all rely on manual design, development to rely on the CAD drawing and Excel calculation, although from a certain extent, to shorten the design cycle, but the calculation process is still cumbersome, to a great extent, has been unable to meet the needs of drip irrigation engineering design. By using the computer aided design of drip irrigation project, not only can use the computer calculation, drawing, document processing and other advantages, and can save design time, improve design efficiency and create favorable conditions for the development of new products, but China's irrigation professional design software is still very small, yet to play out the advantages of computer. Therefore, based on the research on the development mode of the Ministry of water resources public welfare industry research special "Guangxi sugar cane efficient water-saving irrigation project (No. 201301013)", the existing design theory based on the development of drip irrigation, suitable for me Drip irrigation engineering design software in China as the goal, through the way of human-computer interaction, to provide basic information on the premise of irrigation design personnel, in accordance with the design of drip irrigation project planning, development and implementation of AutoCAD software based on the drip irrigation project, and the software named CAD software design system of irrigation projects. Software is composed of block file public function files, system configuration files, database files, component template file and form documents and other documents, including the system, the definition of AutoCAD commands such as multiple classes, and obtain software copyright. The main research results are as follows: (1) combined with knowledge of the development of design theory and software of drip irrigation project, selected C# computer programming language, AutoCAD.NET API two database development technology and SQLite as software development technology. According to the traditional irrigation project planning and design process, construct The drip irrigation project design and material equipment database of two major components of the software framework. (2) using the method of modularization structure, ten functional modules, developed the software design of CAD system in the design of drip irrigation project are: irrigation engineering setting, design, design and layout of pipe network, pipe network calculation, calculate the number of inspection the diameter and the pipe flow pipe network hydraulic calculation, editing, pump selection, equipment and material table generation design, each module function is relatively independent, interrelated and indispensable. On the whole, (3) established the drip irrigation engineering design of CAD system software database construction materials and equipment, pipe specifications, drip irrigation pipe (belt) specifications, pipe fittings, filtration equipment, fertilizer equipment, water pump motor equipment and other accessories such as table table 7 table, to achieve the orderly management of software design on the synthesis of different materials. (4) with drip irrigation of sugar cane Engineering design examples of software testing, the results show that the software can complete the design of drip irrigation, and the output pipe network layout, irrigation group division table, hydraulic calculation table, material and equipment list and design report, basically meet the design requirements. After the test, the formation of stereotypes products, made of software copyright right. The software design of CAD system with AutoCAD as the drawing platform of drip irrigation, compared with the domestic and foreign software, not only conforms to the requirements of localization, and has the advantages of automatic calculation of the elevation value and generate design report, is a drip irrigation system design, calculation, drawing, professional design software integrated graphics output, and has higher practicability the sugar cane. The drip irrigation engineering design using CAD software design system of drip irrigation, the design time is shortened by a few days before a few hours, shorten the design cycle, improve design Efficiency helps to change the combination of foreign software or graphics software and office software in the field of drip irrigation design.
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