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发布时间:2018-01-05 11:31

  本文关键词:易感黑胫病烟田根际土壤微生态变化及其对烟叶质量的影响 出处:《河南农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 烤烟 烟草黑胫病 土壤生态 土壤微生物 烟叶质量

[Abstract]:In order to find out the change of soil microecology and its effect on the quality of cured tobacco leaf in tobacco field susceptible to black shank disease, yellow and purple were studied through field experiments. Soil nutrients, soil enzyme activities, soil microbial numbers and their diversity in susceptible and healthy tobacco fields, and conventional chemical components of cured tobacco leaves in the three soil types of red. Compared with healthy tobacco field, yellow, purple and red susceptible tobacco field, pH value in soil increased slightly, and available potassium in soil increased slightly. The content of available phosphorus and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen decreased. With the change of growth time of tobacco plant, the change of organic matter content in susceptible tobacco field was small, while that in healthy tobacco field was significantly changed. 2. Urease in soil. The activities of catalase and sucrase increased first and then decreased with the prolongation of the growing period of tobacco plants in the field. The activities of catalase and sucrase were the highest in cluster stage and peak period. The soil enzyme activity in susceptible tobacco field was lower than that in healthy tobacco field. With the increase of growth time, the number of bacteria and fungi in soil increased first and then decreased, and the number of actinomycetes increased gradually. The number of bacteria and actinomycetes in susceptible tobacco fields decreased, and the number of fungi increased by .4.The diversity of bacteria and fungi in the soil during the peak period was analyzed by using macrogenomics. The diversity and richness of bacteria in susceptible tobacco field was lower than that in healthy tobacco field, and that of fungi was higher than that in healthy tobacco field. The dominant species of bacteria and fungi in healthy and susceptible tobacco fields were the same, and the main difference was that the proportion of dominant bacteria was different at the level of genus Genus. The dominant species of bacteria and fungi and their proportion in healthy tobacco field and susceptible tobacco field were different from that in healthy tobacco field. Compared with healthy tobacco field, the potassium and reducing sugar of tobacco leaf in susceptible tobacco field were lower than those in healthy tobacco field. The contents of total sugar and so on were decreased in different degree. The susceptible tobacco field could increase the content of total nitrogen and nicotine in the upper leaves, decrease the ratio of potassium to chlorine and sugar to alkali in various parts of tobacco leaves, make the coordination of tobacco leaves become poor, and reduce the availability of 6. 6%. Through the determination of neutral aroma components in middle and upper tobacco leaves, it was found that the total content of neutral aroma components of tobacco leaves in susceptible tobacco fields was lower than that of health in varying degrees. The main aroma components of tobacco leaves in susceptible and healthy soils were Maillard reaction products and aromatic amino acid degradation products. In purple soil, the main difference was Maillard reaction products of upper leaves. In red soil, the content of neophyllidene and carotenoid in upper leaves were significantly different. The sensory quality of tobacco leaves was evaluated and it was found that the quality of aroma, aroma, concentration, strength, aftertaste and irritation were all negatively affected by the susceptible tobacco field soil, and the score was lower than that in the healthy tobacco field. The quality is declining.


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