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发布时间:2018-01-24 16:54

  本文关键词: 间作 丛枝菌根真菌 小麦 蚕豆 土壤微生物 磷 出处:《中国农业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:间作最主要的优势在于比单作栽培可获得较高的产量,即间作优势,特别是在低肥力低投入土壤中间作优势更加显著。间作优势的形成与植物种间互作密切相关。丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, AMF)作为一类重要的土壤微生物,能与80%的陆生植物形成共生关系。因此理解间作体系植物种间互作的作用机制,不可忽视AMF的作用。本论文在室内模拟条件下,以豆类/禾谷类间作体系为研究对象,探讨了AMF对植物种间(内)互作的调节作用及对杂草生长的影响;利用Logistic models检测了互作过程中植物生长和养分吸收的动态过程;分析了微生物和不同磷形态对种间互作的调节作用,以及AMF和根瘤菌互作对间作作物生长和养分吸收的影响。以期揭示土壤微生物在作物种间互作中的调节机理。主要结果如下:(1)不接种条件下,P养分资源的缺乏抑制了玉米、小麦、蚕豆和狗尾草的生长,减弱了植物地下部的互作强度。当接种Funneliformis mosseae时,AMF对单作玉米、小麦、蚕豆和狗尾草的生长及N和P养分吸收均具有显著的促进作用;在玉米/小麦/狗尾草或蚕豆/玉米/狗尾草混作的条件下,根系互作和AMF对植物种间(内)互作具有显著的促进作用,加强间作优势,而根系互作和AMF则显著抑制了狗尾草的生长。(2)在小麦/蚕豆间作体系中,不接种条件下,小麦的最大瞬时生长速率(0.303,4).396 g·d-1)约是蚕豆(0.081~0.093 g.d-1)的3-5倍。当接种Funneliformis mosseae时,小麦和蚕豆的最大瞬时生长速率分别为0.286~0.437 g.d-1和0.149~0.277 g·d-1。相对于不接种处理,接种F. mosseae未改变小麦达到最大瞬时生长速率及N和P养分吸收速率的时间,但接种蚕豆的最大瞬时生长速率、N和P养分吸收速率则分别延迟了2-9天、11-16天和16-24天。小麦对AMF的响应较小,接种F. mosseae改变了小麦/蚕豆的竞争关系,AMF不对称性的偏利于蚕豆,提高了蚕豆对N和P养分资源的获取。AMF对小麦/蚕豆在生长、N和P养分资源吸收利用时间上的改变是其共存的重要机制。(3)相对于灭菌处理,不施肥土壤微生物显著抑制了小麦的生长(生物量)、N和P养分的吸收,抑制作用分别达到了253.0、327.0和66.1%。施用植酸钠和KH2PO4促进了小麦的生长和对N和P养分吸收,土壤微生物的抑制效应分别降至149.1、184.9和9.3%(植酸钠);49.0、22.4和44.9%(KH2P04)。施用羟基磷酸钙对小麦的生长无显著影响,KH2PO4对小麦生长的促进作用最为显著。小麦/蚕豆间作在一定程度上可降低土壤微生物对小麦生长的负反馈。与小麦相反,土壤微生物显著促进了蚕豆对P养分的吸收利用,相对于灭菌处理,P吸收量平均增加了31.3%。不同P形态对蚕豆的生长影响较小。小麦/蚕豆间作对根际微生物群落结构无显著影响。小麦/蚕豆在不同P形态利用上的生态位互补及对土壤微生物响应的不同可能有利于间作优势。(4)单一接种AMF (Funneliformis mosseae)和蚕豆根瘤菌(Rhizobium leguminosarum)及双接种均显著促进了单作或间作小麦的生长、N和P养分的吸收利用。双接种显著增加了蚕豆的根瘤数。接种AMF促进了根瘤形成及其固氮作用,改善了宿主植物和相邻植物的生长,双接种优势明显大于单一接种。蚕豆通过有机酸或质子释放活化土壤P,有利于种间互作。
[Abstract]:The main advantage of intercropping than monoculture cultivation can obtain higher yield, namely intercropping advantage, especially in the low fertility soil of low input among more significant advantages. Intercropping advantage formation and interspecific interactions are closely related. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal, Fungi, AMF) as a kind of important the soil microorganisms, and 80% terrestrial plants form a symbiotic relationship. Therefore understanding the mechanism of intercropping system of plant species interaction, can not ignore the role of AMF. This paper simulated conditions in laboratory, with beans / cereal intercropping system as the research object, discusses the AMF of plant species (in the regulation of the interaction) and the influence on the growth of weeds; to detect the dynamic process of interaction between plant growth and nutrient absorption in the process of using Logistic models; analyzes the different forms of phosphorus and microbial regulation of interspecific interactions for the And AMF and Rhizobium interaction effects of intercropping crop growth and nutrient absorption. In order to reveal the soil microorganisms in crop species interaction mechanism. The main results are as follows: (1) without inoculation conditions, the lack of P nutrient resources inhibited maize, wheat, beans and Setaria growth weakened the interaction strength of the plant underground. When inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae, AMF of monoculture maize, wheat, absorption plays a significant role in promoting growth and N and P nutrients in faba bean and Setaria; as mixed in maize / wheat / maize / faba bean / or Setaria Setaria under the condition of root interaction and AMF of plants (in) interspecific interaction plays a significant role in promoting, strengthening the intercropping advantage, and root interaction and AMF significantly inhibited the growth of Setaria viridis. (2) in wheat and faba bean intercropping system, without inoculation conditions, the maximum instantaneous growth rate of wheat (0.30 3,4).396 G - D-1) is about beans (0.081 ~ 0.093 g.d-1) 3-5 times. When inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae, the maximum instantaneous rate of wheat and broad bean growth were 0.286 ~ 0.437 g.d-1 and 0.149 ~ 0.277 G - d-1. compared with the non inoculation treatment, inoculation of F. mosseae did not change the maximum instantaneous growth rate and wheat N and P rate of nutrient absorption time, but the maximum instantaneous inoculation bean growth rate, the rate of absorption of N and P nutrient were delayed 2-9 days, 11-16 days and 16-24 days. The response of AMF small wheat inoculated F. mosseae changed the competition between wheat / faba bean, which is in favor of AMF asymmetry. Increased N and P of faba bean nutrient resource.AMF in wheat and faba bean in the growth of N and P nutrient absorption and utilization of the time of the change is an important mechanism for coexistence. (3) with respect to sterilization, no fertilizer significantly inhibited soil microbial The growth of wheat (biomass), N and P inhibited the absorption of nutrients, respectively 253.0327.0 and 66.1%. using sodium phytate and KH2PO4 promoted the growth of wheat and nutrients on the N and P absorption, the inhibitory effect of soil microorganisms were reduced to 149.1184.9 and 9.3% (phytate); and 44.9% 49.0,22.4 (KH2P04). No significant effects on the growth of application of hydroxyl calcium phosphate on wheat, KH2PO4 on wheat growth promoting effect is most remarkable. Wheat and faba bean intercropping in a certain extent can reduce the negative feedback of soil microorganisms on the growth of wheat and wheat. On the contrary, soil microbes significantly promoted P broad bean on nutrient absorption and utilization, with respect to the sterilization P uptake increased by an average of 31.3%. of different P forms on the smaller impact on the growth of Vicia faba. Wheat / faba bean intercropping on rhizosphere microbial community structure had no significant effect. Wheat and faba bean in the use of different P forms The niche complementarity and the different soil microbial response may be beneficial to intercropping advantage. (4) AMF (Funneliformis mosseae) single inoculation of Rhizobium and faba bean (Rhizobium leguminosarum) and double inoculation significantly promote monoculture or intercropping wheat growth, absorption and utilization of N and P nutrient double inoculation significantly increased. The number of nodules of faba bean. AMF inoculation promoted the formation of root nodules and nitrogen fixation, improve the host plant and the adjacent plant growth, dual inoculation was significantly higher than single inoculation. The advantage of broad bean by organic acid or proton release activated soil P, in favor of interspecific interactions.



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