本文关键词: 耕地面积 时空格局 驱动力 主成分分析 淮北平原农业区 出处:《南方农业学报》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:[objective] to explore the temporal and spatial pattern evolution and driving force of cultivated land area in Huaibei Plain of Anhui Province. In order to ensure the sustainable use and management of regional cultivated land resources provide scientific basis. [methods] according to the relevant statistical data from 2000 to 2013, the cultivated land dynamic degree was adopted. Cultivated land index and cultivated land barycenter model were used to study the temporal and spatial pattern evolution of cultivated land area in Huaibei Plain agricultural area. The driving force of temporal and spatial pattern evolution of cultivated land area was analyzed by principal component analysis. [results] the total cultivated land area and most counties (districts) of Huaibei Plain from 2000 to 2013; The area of cultivated land decreased slightly. The area of cultivated land in other municipal districts has increased to a certain extent; (2) the cultivated land in Huaibei Plain was distributed in west, east and east. From 2000 to 2013, the center of gravity of cultivated land was transferred from northwest to southeast, but the migration range was not obvious. It did not affect the distribution pattern of the west, more east and less east in the study area. The results of principal component analysis show that the main driving forces of the evolution of temporal and spatial pattern of cultivated land area in the agricultural area of Huaibei Plain are social economy and urbanization. Agricultural production capacity and catastrophe. [recommendations] strengthen the protection of existing cultivated land resources and rationally develop reserve land resources; Rely on science and technology to improve agricultural production capacity, improve land management policies, and protect the vital interests of farmers; To control the number of people and establish a sense of crisis in cultivated land resources.
【作者单位】: 重庆师范大学地理与旅游学院;三峡库区地表过程与环境遥感重庆市重点实验室;
【正文快照】: 0引言【研究意义】耕地是人类赖以生存的物质基础,是国家粮食安全和社会稳定的重要支撑和保障(王文刚等,2012)。自改革开放以来,我国处于城镇化和工业化快速发展阶段,国家经济建设占用了一定数量的耕地(陈红等,2010),且由于人口数量大,我国人均耕地面积远低于世界平均水平。因
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