本文关键词: 耕地 生态系统服务价值 粮食安全 生态供给 生态消费 生态补偿 环京津地区 出处:《中国生态农业学报》2017年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:本文基于生态系统服务价值,从粮食安全角度出发,通过计算粮食耕地盈亏量、粮食耕地超载指数和补偿系数,建立了耕地生态补偿模型,通过量化县域耕地生态补偿,对河北省环京津地区耕地生态补偿问题进行了研究。研究结果表明:1)环京津耕地"生态供给"与"生态消费"存在典型的"空间异位"现象,其中耕地"生态消费"主要集中于环京津南部地区,而耕地"生态供给"则主要集中在环京津西部地区。2)2014年环京津耕地生态系统服务价值为4.480 5×10~(10)元,整体呈现不能自足的态势,总赤字金额为7.834×10~9元。3)环京津地区中,河北省张北县、兴隆县、蔚县、尚义县和涞源县等17个县市表现为盈余,其余各县市均呈现为赤字状态。其中滦南县需支付的耕地生态补偿量最高,为5.173×10~7元,其次为玉田县和东光县,分别为4.864×10~7元和4.849×10~7元。虽然遵化市、滦平县、曲阳县可获得补偿,但其耕地生态条件也仅仅表现为"紧平衡",仍需受到广泛关注。4)以粮食安全角度为出发点,2014年环京津区急需获得耕地生态补偿的县为张北县、蔚县、尚义县、阳原县、涞源县和曲阳县,需支付耕地生态补偿的县为滦南县、玉田县、献县、吴桥县和定州市,唐县、涞水县和丰宁满族自治县既不需获得也不需支付耕地生态补偿。与前人的研究相比,本研究以生态补偿为切入点对河北省环京津地区耕地补偿问题进行了研究,研究结果对于促进环京津地区经济发展、耕地生态环境保护与耕地资源持续高效利用发挥着重要作用。同时,此方法的运用可为类似地区生态补偿的量化研究提供参考,为其他地区以生态价值量确定耕地保护指标提供依据,对耕地生态补偿价值机制的研究有指导意义。
[Abstract]:Based on the value of ecosystem services and from the point of view of food security, this paper establishes an ecological compensation model for cultivated land by calculating the profit and loss of grain cultivated land, the overloading index of grain cultivated land and the compensation coefficient. By quantifying the ecological compensation of cultivated land in county area. The ecological compensation problem of cultivated land around Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei Province is studied. The result shows that there is a typical phenomenon of "spatial heterogeneity" in "ecological supply" and "ecological consumption" of cultivated land around Beijing and Tianjin. Among them, the "ecological consumption" of cultivated land is mainly concentrated in the southern region around Beijing and Tianjin. In 2014, the service value of cultivated land ecosystem around Beijing and Tianjin was 4.485 脳 10 ~ (10) Yuan. The total deficit is 7.834 脳 10 ~ (9) yuan. 3) in the area around Beijing and Tianjin, Zhangbei County, Xinglong County, Yuxian County in Hebei Province. Shangyi County and Laiyuan County and other 17 counties and cities show surplus, the other counties and cities show a deficit state. Luannan County needs to pay the highest amount of ecological compensation for arable land, 5.173 脳 10 ~ (7) yuan. The second is Yutian County and Dongguang County, which are 4.864 脳 10 ~ (7) Yuan and 4.849 脳 10 ~ (7) Yuan respectively. Although Zunhua, Luanping County and Quyang County can be compensated. However, the ecological condition of cultivated land is only "tight balance", which still needs extensive attention. (4) based on the perspective of food security, Zhangbei County is the county that is in urgent need of ecological compensation for cultivated land around Beijing and Tianjin in 2014. Yuxian County, Shangyi County, Yangyuan County, Laiyuan County and Quyang County, the counties that need to pay farmland ecological compensation are Luannan County, Yutian County, Xian County, Wuqiao County and Dingzhou City, Tang County. Laishui County and Fengning Manchu Autonomous County neither need to obtain nor pay for the ecological compensation of cultivated land. Compared with previous studies, this study takes ecological compensation as the starting point to study the compensation of cultivated land around Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei Province. The results play an important role in promoting economic development, ecological environment protection of cultivated land and sustainable and efficient utilization of cultivated land resources around Beijing and Tianjin. The application of this method can provide a reference for the quantitative study of ecological compensation in similar areas, and provide a basis for other regions to determine the cultivated land protection index by ecological value, which is of guiding significance to the study of the value mechanism of ecological compensation for cultivated land.
【作者单位】: 河北农业大学国土资源学院;河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院;
【正文快照】: *This study was supported by the Government Budget Project of Hebei Province of China(2014995161).**Corresponding author,E-mail:xuhao22003@126.com.cn粮食安全问题关乎人民生活水平、社会安定团结和国家稳定发展。近些年我国政府通过粮食直补等方式为实现粮食安全
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