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发布时间:2018-02-13 04:37

  本文关键词: 灌溉 设施土壤 土壤腐殖质 胡敏酸 富里酸 胡敏素 出处:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文自连续13年以同一灌溉方案进行番茄栽培的塑料大棚内分层采集0~80cm 土层土壤样本,测定沟灌、滴灌和渗灌3种灌溉处理的设施土壤腐殖质组分及结合态含量,通过比较其异同,探讨灌溉方式对设施土壤腐殖质含量及品质的影响机理,以期为设施蔬菜栽培条件下执行合理水分管理措施提供理论依据。该长期定位试验于沈阳农业大学科研基地内进行,共设沟灌、滴灌和渗灌3种灌溉处理,各处理灌水控制上、下限相同,为6kPa和40kPa,计划湿润比不同,分别为1.0、0.5和0.5;沟灌和滴灌的灌水方法同当地,渗灌使用发汗式多孔塑胶管灌水、灌水管埋深30cm。土壤腐殖质组分及结合态分离测定使用了常规方法。得到的主要研究结果如下。第一,各灌溉处理土壤总有机碳、腐殖质含量在0~50cm 土层均随深度增加而直线减少,在50~80 cm 土层含量较低、变异较小,说明灌溉等水分管理措施对设施土壤腐殖质的影响主要集中在0~50cm 土层内。第二,同一土层不同灌溉处理间腐殖质各组分含量差异明显。胡敏酸、富里酸和胡敏素等含量在0~20 cm 土层均表现为滴灌沟灌渗灌,20~80cm 土层均表现为渗灌滴灌沟灌;滴灌处理与渗灌相比表层土壤胡敏酸、富里酸和胡敏素等含量高、随土层深度增加下降速度快,沟灌处理剖面分布特点与滴灌相似、但含量总体上低于滴灌和渗灌。第三,依胡富比和色调系数(△logK)判断,随土层加深各灌溉处理腐殖质分子结构越复杂,分子量越大;0~80cm 土层,与滴灌和渗灌处理相比,沟灌处理的腐殖质分子结构更复杂、分子量更大。第四,腐殖质各组分及结合态含量与总有机碳、全氮、全磷等主要肥力指标含量间均具有显著或极显著的相关关系,说明设施土壤腐殖质含量及分子结构复杂度对土壤肥力具有重要影响。综合评价灌溉方式对设施土壤腐殖质的影响,滴灌效果优于沟灌和渗灌;设施蔬菜栽培时,长时间应用滴灌进行灌溉,耕层(0~20cm)土壤总有机碳含量能够维持在一较高水平,且腐殖质各组分及松结态、紧结态含量高于沟灌和渗灌处理,这对于设施蔬菜栽培的养分供应和土壤质量提升都是有利的。
[Abstract]:In this paper, soil samples of 0 ~ 80cm soil layer were collected from plastic greenhouse of tomato cultivation in the same irrigation scheme for 13 consecutive years, and the humus composition and bound state content of protected soil under furrow irrigation, drip irrigation and infiltration irrigation were measured. By comparing their similarities and differences, the effects of irrigation methods on the content and quality of humus in protected soil were discussed. The experiment was carried out in the scientific research base of Shenyang Agricultural University. There were three irrigation treatments: gully irrigation, drip irrigation and infiltration irrigation, and the irrigation control of each treatment was carried out. The lower limit is the same, 6 KPA and 40 KPA, and the planned wetting ratio is different, 1.0 and 0.5, respectively. The irrigation methods of furrow irrigation and drip irrigation are the same as the local ones. The soil humus composition and the combined state separation were determined by conventional methods. The main results were as follows. Firstly, the soil total organic carbon and humus content of each irrigation treatment decreased linearly with the increase of soil depth. The results showed that the effect of irrigation and other water management measures on soil humus was mainly concentrated in 0 ~ 50 cm soil layer. The humus content of different irrigation treatments in the same soil layer was obviously different. The contents of Hu Min acid, fulvic acid and humin in 0 ~ 20 cm soil layer were all shown as drip irrigation furrow irrigation 20 ~ 80 cm soil layer and drip irrigation drip irrigation furrow irrigation. The content of Hu Min, fulvic acid and humin in surface soil of drip irrigation treatment was higher than that of infiltration irrigation, and decreased rapidly with the increase of soil depth. The profile distribution of furrow irrigation treatment was similar to that of drip irrigation, but the content was lower than that of drip irrigation and infiltration irrigation. According to Hu Fu ratio and hue coefficient (logK), the molecular structure of humus in furrow irrigation treatment was more complex than that in drip irrigation and infiltration irrigation treatment, and the molecular structure of humus in each irrigation treatment was more complex, and the molecular weight of humus was higher than that of drip irrigation and infiltration irrigation treatment. The molecular weight is higher than 4th. There is a significant or extremely significant correlation between the contents of humus components and their binding states and the contents of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and other main fertility indexes, such as total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and so on. The results showed that the content of humus and the complexity of molecular structure had important influence on soil fertility, and the effect of drip irrigation was better than that of furrow irrigation and infiltration irrigation, and the effect of drip irrigation was better than that of furrow irrigation and infiltration irrigation, and the effect of drip irrigation was better than that of furrow irrigation and infiltration irrigation. The soil total organic carbon content can be maintained at a higher level, and humus components and loose state, tight state content is higher than furrow irrigation and infiltration irrigation treatment, the soil total organic carbon content can be maintained at a relatively high level by drip irrigation for a long period of time, and the tight state content is higher than that of furrow irrigation and infiltration irrigation treatment. This is beneficial to nutrient supply and soil quality improvement of vegetable cultivation.


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