本文关键词: 耕地 地力评价 GIS 等级差 出处:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since 2002, China has carried out the investigation and quality evaluation of cultivated land fertility. By end of 2012, Anhui Province has completed the evaluation of cultivated land fertility with county (city and district) as the basic unit. Both have established a set of evaluation indicators for cultivated land fertility suitable for their respective regions, and some regions have also completed the evaluation and aggregation of cultivated land fertility at the municipal level. However, the evaluation of cultivated land on a larger regional scale has not been carried out. Therefore, in order to achieve more effective management of cultivated land resources and the sustainable development of population, resources and environment, In this study, 19 counties (cities, districts) in five counties (cities and districts) in southern Anhui Province were taken as examples, fuzzy mathematics method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were used. With the application of geographic information system (GIS) technology and the theory of farmland land fertility evaluation, Tulfi method and accumulative curve grading method are used to study the evaluation of cultivated land fertility. The actual situation of each county (city or district) is comprehensively considered in the study. A total of 14 evaluation factors including landform type, parent material, texture, profile configuration, topographic location, thickness of tilling layer, available zinc, organic matter, available potassium, available phosphorus, water-soluble boron, waterlogging capacity and irrigation guarantee rate were selected. A set of evaluation index system suitable for the whole region is established, and the methods of determining quantitative and qualitative indexes in evaluation are discussed. The quality of cultivated land in the whole region is divided into five levels: the first class land is one million five hundred and seventy-one thousand and nine hundred and seventy-eight mu, the proportion is 19.97 mu; the second class land is two million one hundred and twenty-three thousand and five hundred and seventy mu, the proportion is 26.99 mu; the third class land has two million three hundred and six thousand and eight hundred and fifty-seven mu, the proportion is 29.3 mu; the fourth class land has one million four hundred and thirteen thousand and three hundred and seventy-six mu, The proportion is 17.96; the fifth grade is 452,196 mu, and the proportion is 5.74.Finally, the research results are superposed with the achievements at the county level, and the distribution map of the grade difference is generated. The research results are of great significance for improving the scientific and uniform comparability of the evaluation results of cultivated land fertility and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture, as well as providing a reference for the future evaluation of cultivated land fertility in the province.
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