本文关键词: 库尔勒香梨 树干形成层 树干不同高度 日灼伤害 酶活性 防御措施 出处:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:库尔勒香梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)新疆著名的特色果树,经济效应很高。香梨的收入早已成为巴音郭楞当地的重要经济来源之一。这些年来,育种条件和气候变化给库尔勒香梨带来了冬季逆境危害,在冬季香梨遭受各种恶劣的气候条件导致大面积树体的冻害和日灼现象,严重地影响到香梨树体的安全越冬,给当地农民带来了巨大的经济损失。为了解该地区的气象情况,冻害、日灼带来的各种伤害损失,提高广大果农的收入,开展库尔勒香梨树干日灼冻害成因分析及预防措施研究非常重要。通过相关研究,可有效提高库尔勒香梨越冬栽培管理水平,为香梨产业的健康持续发展和香梨生产技术的提高,提供科技支撑。本文以新疆的主要特色果树香梨为研究对象,通过监测自然越低温条件下树干形成层的温度变化、不同高度的树干形成层温度变化和太阳辐射对树干形成层组织带来的影响,测定相关保护酶活性的动态变化特征,进而研究库尔勒香梨树干形成层的冻害和日灼伤害的原因。另外,为了减轻树干冻害和日灼双重作用引起的伤害,采取保温和遮荫等各种保护措施,并进行对比分析保护措施对香梨安全越冬所起到的效果,为香梨冻害与日灼现象的预报及减灾管理提供科学依据。研究结果如下:(1)在冬季白天与黑夜,光照与黑暗的交替及其强光长时间直射到阳面,树干阳面形成层组织破坏,导致阳面形成层的日灼伤害,香梨树干阳面组织受到日灼和冻害的双重作用的可能性大于树干阴面。(2)树干形成层不同高度处的温度差异导致树干形成组织破坏的程度,离地面越近的树干形成层温度变化受到气温变化剧烈。因此,离地面近的树体或树干进行覆盖和保护措施,树干周围地面也要进行覆盖保护措施。(3)在各种气象因子中,太阳辐射是导致树干形成层温度变化的主要因素,气温可以作为衡量形成层温度高低的表征量。(4)在越冬期阴面形成层与枝条、花芽的POD、SOD、CAT的活性都存在显著性差异,在越冬期间香梨花芽和枝条是冻害相对较敏感之处,受日灼和冻害共同影响最为敏感之处是树干阳面形成层,反而相对不敏感部位是树干阴面形成层。(5)几种保温防冻措施效果顺序为:对照麻绳反光膜绒毡片稻草。其说明采取稻草覆盖的保温防冻措施比绒毡片、反光幕和麻绳都好。不同遮荫措施效果大小顺序为:涂黑刮树皮对照涂红涂白。其说明采用这些措施可以有效的减小香梨树干形成层温度变化幅度。涂白遮荫效果最好,日较差最小,可作为香梨越冬期间的遮荫措施。
[Abstract]:The famous characteristic fruit trees in Xinjiang have a high economic effect. The income of fragrant pears has long been one of the important economic sources in Bayingulang. Breeding conditions and climate change have brought about winter stress harm to Korla fragrant pear. In winter, fragrant pear suffered various bad weather conditions, which led to the freezing injury and sunburn phenomenon of large area tree body, which seriously affected the safe winter of fragrant pear tree body. In order to understand the weather situation in this area, the freezing injury, the sunburn brings various kinds of injury losses, raise the income of the broad masses of fruit farmers, It is very important to study the causes and prevention measures of sunburn freezing injury in the trunk of Korla fragrant pear, which can effectively improve the management level of overwintering cultivation of Korla fragrant pear. In order to provide scientific and technological support for the healthy and sustainable development of fragrant pear industry and the improvement of the production technology of fragrant pear, this paper takes the main characteristic fruit tree fragrant pear in Xinjiang as the research object, and monitors the temperature change of tree trunk cambium under the condition of natural lower temperature. The effects of different height of trunk cambium temperature and solar radiation on cambium tissue, and the dynamic characteristics of protective enzyme activity were measured. In addition, in order to reduce the damage caused by the double effects of freeze injury and sunburn on the trunk of Korla fragrant pear, various protective measures such as heat preservation and shading were taken. The effects of protective measures on the safe overwintering of fragrant pear are compared and analyzed to provide scientific basis for the prediction of freezing injury and sunburn phenomenon and disaster reduction management of fragrant pear. The results are as follows: 1) in winter day and night. The alternation of light and darkness and its strong light shoot directly to the sun for a long time, and the cambium of the tree trunk destroys the cambium, resulting in sunburn injury of the cambium on the positive side. The double effects of sun burning and freezing injury on the positive tissue of the trunk of fragrant pear were more likely than that of the temperature difference at different height of cambium of trunk, which resulted in the destruction of the formation tissue of the trunk. The variation of cambium temperature near the ground is greatly influenced by the temperature. Therefore, the trees or trunks near the ground are covered and protected, and the ground around the tree trunk should also be covered and protected.) among the various meteorological factors, Solar radiation was the main factor that led to the temperature change of trunk cambium. The temperature could be used as a token of cambium temperature. There were significant differences in POD SODCAT activity between overwintering overwintering shade cambium and branches, and the activity of POD SODCAT in flower bud. The flower buds and branches of fragrant pear were relatively sensitive to freezing injury during the winter, and the cambium of tree trunk was the most sensitive place affected by sunburn and freezing injury. On the contrary, the relative insensitive part is the shaded cambium of trunk.) the effect order of several kinds of heat preservation and antifreeze measures is as follows: contrast the straw with reflective film felt straw, which shows that the insulation and antifreeze measure of straw covering is better than that of pile felt. The order of effect of different shading measures is: black shaving tree bark is red and white. It shows that these measures can effectively reduce the temperature change of cambium of fragrant pear trunk. The diurnal range is the smallest, which can be used as shading measure in overwintering period of fragrant pear.
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