本文选题:猪场废水 切入点:生化处理 出处:《农业环境科学学报》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:通过连续4个多月现场采样测定并分析湖南某水冲粪猪场典型废水处理工艺各阶段水质,包括p H、悬浮固体(SS)、化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH_3-N)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的变化情况,探究规模化猪场废水常规生化处理的实际效果,并分析存在的问题与可能的原因。结果表明,猪场常规固液分离后废水SS、COD、NH_3-N、TN、TP含量依然较高,分别为3040~4900、6440~11 290、652.3~1044、721.3~1187、55.5~148.1 mg·L~(-1),厌氧消化大部分去除的是废水中可溶性有机物,COD去除较少,进入后续生化处理负荷高。常规二级生化处理后二沉池出水水质指标中NH_3-N为37.9~108.7 mg·L~(-1),TN为179.1~203.4 mg·L~(-1),TP为20.1~41.6 mg·L~(-1),不能稳定达标;后接CASS工艺进一步处理后,NH_3-N浓度可大幅降低到0.54~3.2 mg·L~(-1),但TN和TP去除率低,表明该阶段以硝化反应为主,而反硝化脱氮过程受阻。CASS池出水TP浓度超标且色度较深,通过增加化学混凝沉淀工艺脱色、除磷,最终出水达标,但由此产生大量化学污泥并消耗化学药剂,延长了工艺路线,处理成本高达近10元·t-1。猪场粪污传统固液分离-厌氧产沼-多级生化处理工艺水质达标困难的主要原因在于进入水处理系统的依附于SS中的"惰性"COD、氮和磷浓度较高,妨碍了其降解或转化。因此,改进并研发在前端快速高效去除SS和"惰性"污染物再进行生化处理的工艺,是有效提高处理效果、缩短处理周期和降低处理成本的可行途径。
[Abstract]:The changes of water quality in various stages of typical wastewater treatment process of a water flushing pig farm in Hunan Province for more than 4 months were determined and analyzed, including pH, SS, COD, NH _ 3-N, TNN and TP _ (TP). The practical effect of conventional biochemical treatment of wastewater from large-scale pig farm was investigated, and the existing problems and possible reasons were analyzed. The results showed that the content of NH3-NTNTTP in wastewater was still high after conventional solid-liquid separation. The results showed that the removal rate of COD in the wastewater was less than that in anaerobic digestion, which was 3040,4900N 644000N 11 290N 652.3C104U 721.387U 55.5N 148.1 mg 路L ~ (-1) mg 路L ~ (-1), and most of the removal of COD in wastewater by anaerobic digestion was less than that by anaerobic digestion. The effluent water quality index of secondary sedimentation tank after conventional secondary biochemical treatment was high. The NH_3-N of secondary sedimentation tank was 37.9 ~ 108.7 mg 路L ~ (-1) 路L ~ (-1) N ~ (TN) was 179.1g 路L ~ (-1) mg 路L ~ (-1) mg 路L ~ (-1) and TP was 20.1N ~ 41.6 mg 路L ~ (-1) ~ (-1), which could not reach the standard stably. After further treatment with CASS process, the concentration of NH _ 3-N decreased significantly to 0.54 ~ (3. 2) mg 路L ~ (-1) 路L ~ (-1), but the removal rates of TN and TP were low, which indicated that nitrification was the main process in this stage, while the denitrification process was blocked. The effluent TP concentration of Cass was higher than the standard and the chroma was deeper. By adding chemical coagulation and precipitation process to decolorize and remove phosphorus, the final effluent reaches the standard, but a large amount of chemical sludge is produced and chemical agents are consumed, thus prolonging the process route. The main reason why the traditional solid-liquid separation, anaerobic production marsh and multistage biochemical treatment process is difficult to reach the standard of water quality is that the inert COD, which is attached to SS, and the higher concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are attached to the water treatment system, are the main reasons for the difficulty in reaching the standard of water quality in the traditional solid-liquid separation, anaerobic production marsh and multistage biochemical treatment process. Therefore, it is a feasible way to improve the treatment effect, shorten the treatment period and reduce the treatment cost by improving and developing the rapid and efficient removal process of SS and "inert" pollutants in the front end.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院环境工程系;南京贝克特环保科技有限公司;
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