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发布时间:2018-03-13 21:11

  本文选题:河南省 切入点:DEM 出处:《土壤通报》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:选取河南省作为研究区域,对其DEM数据进行处理得到河南省地形分类图。以地形分类图为基础用经典的土壤构成组分多样性算法计算丰富度指数S、多样性指数H′和均匀度指数E,再使用改进的仙农熵指数(Yh)计算不同地形下每个土类面积占本土类总面积的比例及其在1 km×1 km网格尺度下的土壤空间分布多样性。结果表明:河南省主要有平原、丘陵、山地和盆地4种地形,且以平原地形为主;河南省有15种土类,从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形,土壤丰富度依次递减,且随着地形面积的增加,土类丰富度指数S也不断增加且二者拟合函数为多项式函数;多样性指数H′测度分析显示,4种地形下从土类、亚类到土属多样性值均处于递增趋势,且从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形,土类和亚类的多样性值呈"先上升后下降"趋势,土属一直呈"下降"趋势;土属的均匀程度高于土类和亚类的均匀程度,且从平原、丘陵、山地到盆地地形均匀度指数E/土壤构成组分多样性均呈"先上升再下降"趋势;土壤分支率与构成组分多样性间的拟合函数均为多项式函数。经研究,河南省地形和土壤的形成及空间分布多样性有密切的联系,如河南省广阔的平原赋予了潮土分布的地域背景条件,山地地形中山间谷底仅有少量潮土分布,然而平原地形下潮土空间分布斑块多、斑块面积大、空间分布多样性指数高而成为平原地形下空间分布离散性强的优势土壤类型,同时平原也是省内极少面积盐土和碱土仅有的分布区域;同样,山地和丘陵地形下面积最大且空间分布多样性值最大的土类均为褐土;盆地地形以黄褐土、砂姜黑土为主。通过对比,不同地形下指数Yh在空间分布表达上优于其他指数。
[Abstract]:Henan Province is chosen as the research area. The topographic classification map of Henan Province was obtained by processing the DEM data. Based on the topographic classification map, the richness index S, diversity index H 'and evenness index E were calculated using the classical algorithm of soil composition diversity, and then the improved method was used. The ratio of each soil area to the total area of native soil and the diversity of soil spatial distribution at the scale of 1 km 脳 1 km mesh are calculated by the Shannon entropy index (Yh). The results show that there are mainly plains in Henan Province. There are 15 kinds of soil in Henan Province, from plain, hilly, hilly, mountain to basin topography, soil richness decreases in turn with the increase of topographic area. The soil richness index S is also increasing and the fitting function is polynomial function, and the analysis of diversity index H 'measure shows that the diversity values of soil, subclass and genus are all increasing from plain to hill, and from plain to hill. In the terrain from mountain to basin, the diversity of soil and subgroup increased first and then decreased, and the homogeneity of soil was higher than that of soil and subgroup, and the homogeneity of soil was higher than that of soil and subtype, and the diversity of soil and subgroup was higher than that of plain and hilly. The topographic evenness index E / soil composition diversity of mountain basin shows a trend of "rising first and then decreasing", and the fitting function between soil branching rate and composition diversity is polynomial function. There is a close relationship between topography and soil formation and spatial distribution diversity in Henan Province. For example, the vast plain of Henan Province has given the regional background conditions for the distribution of tidal soil, and there is only a small amount of soil in the valley between mountain landforms. However, under the plain topography, the tidal soil has more patches, larger patch area and higher diversity index of spatial distribution, so it becomes the dominant soil type with strong spatial dispersion under plain terrain. At the same time, the plain is also the only distribution area of saline soil and alkali soil in the province; similarly, the largest area and the largest spatial diversity of soil under the mountainous and hilly terrain are cinnamon soils, and the basin topography is yellow cinnamon soil. The index Yh was superior to other indexes in spatial distribution.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学水利与环境学院;自然资源与生态环境研究所;


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