本文选题:抗侵蚀植物 切入点:土壤侵蚀 出处:《生态学报》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of vegetation survey data of Yanhe River Basin in loess hilly and gully region, the potential erosion-resistant plants were screened according to the definition of anti-erosion plant and Braun-Blanquet plant sociology method. The results showed that there were 42 species of potential erosion-resistant plants, belonging to 18 families and 33 genera. The species of Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae and Rosaceae were the most. Among 66.242 species, 85% species are high bud, and 76% of above ground bud and surface bud plant are shrub / small shrub and perennial herbaceous plant. The water ecological types of them are drought and mesophyte. According to the climatic conditions and the distribution range of 42 species in the basin, the species can be divided into broad species, middle species and narrow species. The maximum coverage of 3 types. 355% of species is more than 50%, which can become a community species or a single superior species. Other species with a maximum coverage of less than 50% were the most common species of the community, and these species had higher coverage and aboveground biomass. The results showed that the plants could adapt to the erosive environment in this area, and almost all of the 42 plants had soil seed bank and seedling bank. 60% of the species had the seed bank of plant crown, and the other plants could reproduce nutritionally except the annual plants. The results showed that all the potential erosion-resistant plants could maintain their own survival and reproduction. 13 of the 42 species were mainly stem type plants. Its larger crown can protect the base soil of 8 species of sparse vegetation with strong ability to protect soil and intercept sediment. 6 kinds of cluster type and 7 species of cluster type plants can effectively intercept sediment. The potential erosion-resistant plants, which account for only 13% of the total species recorded in the study area, have seed banks and seedling banks, and perennial plants are mainly vegetative and reproductive, which can maintain their own survival and reproduction. Because of the protection of the soil under the plant crown and the interception of the sediment by the stem at the base of the plant, the soil heap can be formed at the base of the plant, which can effectively control soil erosion.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室;西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所;西北农林科技大学林学院;
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