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发布时间:2018-03-18 14:16

  本文选题:模拟降雨 切入点:雨滴特性 出处:《西安理工大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In this study, soil erosion, sediment dynamics, riverbed evolution theory as a foundation, with strict slope soil erosion rule significance than solid model similarity law as the main line, the outdoor positioning dynamic monitoring, research method of indoor artificial simulation experiment combined with theoretical analysis, studied the characteristics of rainfall in flood season rainfall and the simulated rainfall, raindrop erosion and sediment movement characteristics, and different rainfall under dynamic conditions similar conditions, and the dynamic characteristics of slope runoff and slope scouring conditions and slope and natural rainfall erosion and sediment yield were compared, explore the formation mechanism of erosion and sediment yield of different hydrodynamic conditions. In order to establish the regional characteristics of the loess plateau soil erosion prediction model provides a theoretical basis. The preliminary research results of the thesis are as follows: (1) illustrates the simulation Similar conditions of rainfall and natural rainfall erosion process, pointed out that the simulated rainfall not only rain intensity continuous process simulation, uniformity, and to reach the terminal velocity of raindrops or similar differences will lead to differences in speed at the end of the process of runoff and sediment yield, which is the key of slope erosion process simulation dynamic similarity. (2) the development of large continuous change of rainfall simulation experiment device of rainfall intensity, rainfall intensity and raindrop velocity distribution at the end of the device generated can match the similarity simulation of rainfall intensity and raindrop energy simulation rainfall and natural rainfall. (3) found that the flood of natural rainfall is mainly determined by the size of 0.125-0.5mm drops composition rule, raindrop terminal velocity mainly concentrated in 1-5m/s, and formed two obvious peak in 1.4m/s and 3.4m/s; the 0.125mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly concentrated in between 1-4.2m/s, the particle size of 0.25mm The terminal velocity of raindrops is mainly concentrated in 0.8-5m/s, 0.375mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly between 1-3.4m/s, 0.5mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly concentrated in 1-4.2m/s. At the same time, rainfall is largely composed of particle size of 0.125-0.5mm drops, the terminal velocity of raindrops is mainly concentrated in the 0.4-3.4m/s, and the formation of a a significant peak at 1.4m/s; the 0.125mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly between 1-3.4m/s, 0.25mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly between 1-4.2m/s, 0.375mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly between 0.6-3.4m/s, 0.5mm particle size of raindrop terminal velocity mainly concentrated in the 0.4-3.4m/s. If you want to simulate rainfall the formation of Shuangfeng value phenomenon by double nozzle is used to simulate rainfall combined transport was improved. (4) described the flood of natural rainfall and slope under simulated rainfall surface runoff water dynamic process is similar to that of the Basically, the simulated rainfall can better simulate the variation process of natural rainfall, overland flow and the average flow velocity, Reynolds number, Froude number, the change trend of the drag coefficient, shows that the hydrodynamic process of simulated rainfall and natural rainfall is similar. (5) in the simulated rainfall power, hydrodynamic process under similar conditions. The processes of runoff and sediment variation trend of water erosion test and natural rainfall observation process. On this basis, a sediment model, under the condition of slope erosion test by test, the model error is small, can be used to calculate the slope erosion and sediment yield. (6) describes the differences in rainfall test and scouring experiment two different modes of action of erosion erosion dynamic results, such as the sediment concentration is far less than the rainfall scouring, this may be due to rainfall is evenly dispersed in the slope, and more runoff scouring experiment Concentrated and full participation in the erosion of the slope, so the research and test system similar to the rainfall erosion test, will be a more in-depth simulation. These achievements as the mathematical model of soil erosion in the Loess Plateau, especially to provide basic data and scientific and technological support to establish a mechanism model part.



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