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发布时间:2018-04-05 05:00

  本文选题:园林绿化废弃物 切入点:白腐菌 出处:《北京林业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:以园林绿化废弃物作为原材料,采用高温好氧条垛式堆肥方式,研究将白腐菌和放线菌作为外源添加剂对园林绿化废弃物堆肥腐熟效果影响。采用实验室测定样品的方法、扫描电镜等方法研究园林绿化废弃物堆肥过程中物质分解与理化性质及腐熟度指标变化的情况。将堆肥产物和菇渣、岩棉、泥炭基质作为天竺葵(学名:Pelargonium hortorum)栽培基质主要组成部分,结合植株生长开花指标与基质理化性质指标进一步研究园林绿化废弃物堆肥产物和其他几种基质比较对天竺葵栽培影响,可以探究添加外源微生物菌剂对园林绿化废弃物堆肥是否产生促进作用。试验结果如下:1)接种白腐菌加放线菌的堆体温度高于其他处理,且高温期维持时间长(14 d);不同处理对EC和pH的影响较小;接种白腐菌加放线菌的处理在35 d(GI80%)就达到腐熟;接种白腐菌处理的根长较其他处理长。扫描电镜显示,接种白腐菌加放线菌处理堆体中木质素和纤维素的结构变化明显,被降解的程度较其他处理更彻底。各处理与空白处理比较,全N、全P、全K和总养分的含量都是增长的趋势,混合接种菌剂的效果更好。2)对添加外源微生物菌剂后园林绿化废弃物堆肥后的腐熟物品质方面检测,腐殖质、C/N和外观比较,混合接种微生物菌剂处理的腐殖质含量是最低的,单独接种白腐菌的堆肥处理的腐殖质的含量是最高的,这是由于在堆肥末期混合接种微生物菌剂处理微生物生长需要的营养物质已消耗殆尽,就不得不分解现有的腐殖质充当营养物质。从C/N上看,混合接种微生物菌剂的处理比单独接种处理更能降低堆体的C/N,更接近腐熟的状态。外观状态比较,混合接种外源微生物菌剂的堆体处理纤维状固体更细一些,颜色较深,不愉快气味更浓烈,手感更柔软。总之,混合接种处理利于堆肥的腐熟。3)不同基质栽培下的天竺葵生长发育指标的测定,岩棉栽培基质栽培下的天竺葵的鲜重与干重都是最低的,而菇渣基质栽培的天竺葵的生物量是最高的,园林绿化废弃物的堆腐物与泥炭栽培的天竺葵的生物量处于两者中间,且这两种基质没有显著性差异。泥炭基质栽培天竺葵的叶片质量和花的质量指标比其他三种基质的效果好。园林绿化废弃物堆肥产品和其他三种基质比较,最终植株的养分含量介于菇渣和泥炭基质中间。
[Abstract]:The effects of white rot fungus and actinomycetes as external additives on the composting effect of garden greening waste were studied by using aerobic stacking compost as raw material and aerobic stacking compost at high temperature.The changes of decomposition, physicochemical properties and maturity index of garden waste compost were studied by means of laboratory method and scanning electron microscope (SEM).Composting products, mushroom residue, rock wool and peat substrates were used as the main components of the cultivation substrate of Geranium (the scientific name is: Pelargonium hortorum).Combined with plant growth and flowering index and physical and chemical properties of substrate, the effects of compost products of garden waste and other substrates on geranium cultivation were further studied.It is possible to explore whether the addition of exogenous microbial agents can promote the composting of garden waste.The results were as follows: (1) the temperature of inoculated white rot fungus plus actinomycetes was higher than that of other treatments, and the duration of high temperature was 14 days, the effect of different treatments on EC and pH was small, and the inoculation of white rot fungus plus actinomycetes reached maturity at 35 days.The root length of inoculated white rot fungi was longer than that of other treatments.Scanning electron microscope showed that the structure of lignin and cellulose in the reactor treated with white rot fungus plus actinomycetes was obviously changed and the degree of degradation was more thorough than that of other treatments.Compared with the blank treatment, the contents of total N, total P, total K and total nutrients were all increasing. The effect of mixed inoculation of microbial agents was better than that of blank treatment.Compared with the appearance, the humus content of the mixed inoculation with microbial fungicides was the lowest, and the humus content of the compost inoculated with white rot fungus alone was the highest.This is due to the fact that the nutrients needed for the treatment of microbial growth by mixed inoculation of microbial bacteria at the end of composting have been exhausted, so the existing humus has to be decomposed as nutrients.From the point of view of C / N, the treatment of mixed inoculation of microbial bacteria can reduce the C / N of the reactor more closely than the treatment of inoculation alone, and it is closer to the state of decay.Compared with the appearance, the cellulosic solid treated by the mixed inoculation of exogenous microbial bacteria was thinner, darker in color, stronger in unpleasant smell and softer in hand.In a word, mixed inoculation was beneficial to compost decay. 3) the growth and development indexes of geranium under different substrates were determined. The fresh weight and dry weight of geranium under rock cotton cultivation were the lowest.The biomass of geranium cultivated with mushroom residue was the highest, and the biomass of garden waste was in the middle of that of peat cultivation, and there was no significant difference between the two substrates.The leaf quality and flower quality index of peat substrate cultivation geranium were better than those of the other three substrates.Compared with the other three substrates, the nutrient content of the compost was between mushroom residue and peat substrate.


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