本文选题:捡拾粉碎机 + 玉米秸秆 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Due to the influence of natural and human factors for a long time, the natural pastures in Xinjiang region of China have been degraded seriously, and the livestock husbandry has appeared the problems such as the shortage of livestock forage and the decline of productivity, etc.At the same time, a large amount of straw is produced in Xinjiang agricultural and pastoral areas every year, straw is discarded at will, burning phenomenon in the field is serious, the overall utilization ratio of straw in our area is not high.Based on Qitai County, Qitai County, Changji Autonomous Prefecture, this paper develops a new type of forage straw picker based on the original technology to improve the utilization efficiency of straw in our area.This subject mainly takes mature corn stalk after picking as the object of operation.Firstly, the biological characteristics and cross section structure of corn straw were studied, and the main mechanical factors affecting cutting corn straw were pointed out.The theory of straw cutting was analyzed, the cutting conditions were determined, the mechanical model of corn straw was established, and the kinematics analysis of reciprocating cutting mechanism was carried out, which provided the basis for cutting corn straw.This paper analyzes the design of a new type of forage straw picking mill, and points out the shortcomings of the old mill.The 3D solid modeling and motion simulation of the important mechanism pickup device are carried out by using Pro/Engineer software.In this paper, the grinding device is studied, and it is pointed out that the hammer should meet the condition of dynamic balance when the hammer is moving without vibration, which provides a theoretical basis for the normal work of the pick-up pulverizer.Finally, the static structure analysis of the moving knife in the grinding device is carried out by using the ANSYS finite element analysis software, and the stress and strain of the moving knife are obtained, which provides a theoretical basis for optimizing the tool to improve the stress structure of the tool.Then, the performance of the improved new pick-up mill was tested in the field.It is pointed out that under the condition of 75 horsepower agricultural tractor driving, the working speed of machine is 2.3 km / h, the speed of picker is 48 r / min, and the speed of pulverizer is 2140r/min, the data of picking up and crushing straw by machine are obtained.This paper analyzes whether the performance of the data detection prototype meets the design requirements, and provides the basis for further optimization design.
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