本文选题:气候变化 + 轮作系统 ; 参考:《中国农业气象》2017年10期
[Abstract]:Crop rotation plays an irreplaceable role in increasing land use efficiency and crop yield per unit area. The understanding of the effects of climate change on rotation system is enhanced, and its response to climate change is revealed.It is the key to promote the rotation production system to deal with and adapt to climate change effectively.This paper reviews the research results and shortcomings of climate change impacts on crop rotation systems, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of current research methods (crop models, statistics and test methods), including crop growth and development, planting layout, planting benefits.The impacts of climate change on crop rotation systems are described in four aspects of planting risk, and the existing adaptive measures and future research priorities are analyzed, with a view to providing a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the impacts of climate change on crop rotation systems.And the future research and development of rotation system to provide certain reference and reference.Previous studies have shown that climate change has and will continue to affect crop rotation systems.Although there are still some differences in the results of the studies due to the differences in space-time scales, methods and rotation models, most studies show that, at the macro level, the climate is warming and the heat resources are increasing.The crop distribution and planting area of different rotation systems are changed because of the obvious northward shift of planting boundary in the rotation system in the study area.From the microcosmic point of view, the increase of temperature speeds up the process of crop growth and growth within the rotation system, which leads to the decrease of crop yield, and also provides the possibility for the variety replacement in the system.The change of heat resources also leads to changes in the regularity of meteorological disasters encountered within the rotation system, and the number of low-temperature disasters in the traditional sense will be reduced.However, the new low temperature disaster events and extreme high temperature events in sensitive areas with varying planting boundaries have an increasing trend, thus increasing the risk of high yield, stable yield and sustainable development of crop rotation system.In production, the adverse effects of climate change on crop rotation system can be alleviated to some extent by changing crop distribution, selecting varieties with longer growth period and optimizing management measures.However, due to the complexity and diversity of climate change and crop rotation systems, there are still some deficiencies in current research. In the future, it is necessary to develop the mechanism of climate change impacts on crop rotation systems by combining various research methods.Comprehensive and systematic research to improve the depth, breadth, accuracy and accuracy of research to promote and ensure its sustainable development.
【作者单位】: 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目“气候变化下我国粮食产量增速放缓的驱动机制及适应潜力研究”(41471074) 国家自然基金面上项目“我国麦-玉轮作复种体系对气候变化的适应机制及适应技术集成的模拟研究”(41171093)
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