本文选题:土地整治 + 耕地质量等别 ; 参考:《中国农业资源与区划》2017年10期
[Abstract]:[objective] to determine the realistic and natural potential of each factor, and to identify the main control factors of the project area and their degree of improvement by means of the study of cultivated land quality and other specific objectives of cultivated land regulation and construction in the land regulation project area, and to determine the realistic and natural potential of the factors of each grade, and to identify accurately the main control factors of the project area. It is convenient to adopt targeted technical measures of land regulation engineering and to make scientific and anticipated evaluation on the effect of construction. [methods] based on the results of agricultural land grading and improvement in 2010 and the planning and design report of land regulation projects in Jifeng Town and Nanhua Town, Zhongjiang County, the average quality scores of different crop gradation factors in the project area were obtained by weighted summation. The theoretical potential and practical potential of cultivated land in the project area were obtained by using the natural iso-potential index model, and the main controlling factors for the improvement of cultivated land quality were identified. [results] the main control factors of the land regulation project area in Jifeng Town, Zhongjiang County and Nanhua Town were irrigation guarantee rate, effective soil layer thickness, slope, outcrop degree of rock, organic matter content, natural cultivated land at provincial level, and so on. The theoretical potential is 1.48, the national cultivated land natural potential is 2.46, and the theoretical potential is 2.62. [conclusion] the practical potential of improving cultivated land quality can be used as the target of cultivated land quality in land regulation and construction.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院;国土资源部土地整治重点实验室;
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