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发布时间:2018-04-28 14:47

  本文选题:食用菌菌糠 + 腐熟 ; 参考:《北京理工大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Mushroom bran is the waste culture substrate after producing edible fungi. On the one hand, it has the characteristics of high content of organic matter, high water content and rich in fungal protein, so it must be treated innocuously. On the other hand, the bacterial bran has the characteristics of high nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, less pesticide residue and low heavy metal content. After harmless treatment, it can be used in the field of agriculture and environmental remediation. On the one hand, aerobic composting was used to treat the bacterial bran (Flammulina velutipes and Flammulina velutipes) in order to study the changes of the physical and chemical properties of the bacterial bran during composting. Seed germination index was used to determine the maturity of microbial chaff at different composting time. In the process of composting, the pH and C / N of the compost showed regular changes, the germination index of Flammulina velutipes and Flammulina velutipes was more than 50 at 20 days and 30 days, respectively. Its nutritional composition and safety index meet the requirements of organic fertilizer standard. The other aspect of this study was to add five kinds of base fertilizer formula to the greenhouse soil to produce the rotting of cucumber and tomato by mixing the rotting mats of Pleurotus edodes, chicken dung or sheep dung and their mixture. The dynamic changes of soil nutrient content, enzyme activity and soil bacterial flora during planting were studied. Finally, the improvement effect of each base fertilizer formula was evaluated according to the yield and quality of harvested fruit. The results showed that the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in the soil increased significantly after the application of different base fertilizers, and after a planting season, the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in the soil increased significantly compared with the original soil. The organic matter content and total nitrogen content in the soil treated with the mixture of decaying chicken manure and rotting mushroom bran as base fertilizer decreased the most by 30.24% and 31.63%, respectively, indicating that the soil urease was obtained by applying different base fertilizer formulations with strong microbial activity. The activities of alkaline phosphatase and catalase were significantly increased, and the soil enzyme activity increased the most in the base fertilizer of Pleurotus edodes, which were 96.23% 291.03% and 89.8989%, respectively. The Shannon index and Simpson index, which represent the diversity and evenness of soil bacterial flora, increased to a certain extent. The increase ranges were 8.92% 29.32% and 4.93% 12.22, respectively. The dominant microflora of the soil was also changed.) the soluble sugar of the fruit was treated with the mixture of rotting chicken manure and rotting mushroom bran, and the mixture of decaying sheep manure and rotting mushroom chaff as base fertilizer. The content and yield of vitamin C were significantly different from those of other base fertilizer formulations. In general, the above five kinds of base fertilizer can improve the physical and chemical properties of soil, increase soil nutrients, increase soil enzyme activity, and enrich soil microbial communities. The mixture of rotting mushroom mushroom bran and decaying chicken manure or sheep dung is more effective.


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