本文选题:秸秆焚烧 + 火点提取 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:每年夏秋收获时期,中国农业大省的有关政府部门都会采取多种措施监测并严惩秸秆焚烧行为。利用卫星遥感技术监测秸秆焚烧可以弥补传统人工方法的不足,提高监测效率并降低成本。本文在总结国内外遥感探火的理论方法及实例应用的基础上,综合利用多源卫星数据和其他辅助数据展开河南省2015年秋收时期的秸秆焚烧监测研究。本文研究内容如下:(1)秸秆焚烧火点提取方法研究。首先结合风云三号MERSI(Medium Resolution Spectral Imager)影像和美国陆地卫星八号星OLI(Operational Land Imager)影像等,采用监督分类方法得到河南省的耕地分布信息;其次提出了一种改进的基于风云三号VIRR(Visible and Infrared Radiometer)影像的秸秆焚烧火点提取方法流程;最后以2015年10月1日为例,将提取的秸秆焚烧火点分别与VIRR影像火点目视解译特征、已知焚烧市县资料、环境小卫星B星CCD(Charge Coupled Device)影像焚烧迹地目视解译特征、环保部秸秆焚烧监测日报数据进行对比分析,以验证本文方法的有效性。结果表明,提取的秸秆焚烧火点与验证数据在空间分布上具有很好的一致性:当日秸秆焚烧主要集中在周口市、驻马店市和开封市,三市秸秆焚烧火点总数占全省的64.63%,其中周口市秸秆焚烧最严重,秸秆焚烧火点个数占全省总数的30.49%。(2)秸秆焚烧动态监测研究。首先基于本文秸秆焚烧火点提取方法,利用风云三号VIRR影像提取河南省2015年秋收时期的多日秸秆焚烧火点,与利用同期的MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)热异常数据得到的火点进行对比分析,并利用OLI、CCD等影像的焚烧迹地目视解译特征验证火点提取结果。其次,针对秸秆焚烧现象最严重的周口地区,综合利用提取的多日秸秆焚烧火点和空气质量指数AQI(Air Quality Index)数据,采用缓冲区分析的方法研究局地秸秆焚烧对空气质量的影响,并分析可能的影响因子。结果表明,提取火点与对比数据在时空分布上具有很好的一致性:时间上,秸秆焚烧现象主要集中于9月28日至10月2日,10月9日至10月14日;空间上主要集中于行政区划交界的监管薄弱地带,周口、驻马店、开封、南阳地区的秸秆焚烧火点占全省火点总数的72.18%。周口地区秸秆焚烧火点时空分布与AQI具有中等程度的相关性,受空气扩散及降雨、风等气象因子的影响,该市空气污染存在1至2天的滞后现象。
[Abstract]:During the summer and autumn harvest period, the relevant government departments in China's major agricultural provinces will take various measures to monitor and severely punish the burning of straw. Using satellite remote sensing technology to monitor straw burning can make up for the shortcomings of traditional artificial methods, improve the efficiency of monitoring and reduce the cost. On the basis of summing up the theory and application of remote sensing fire exploration at home and abroad, this paper makes comprehensive use of multi-source satellite data and other auxiliary data to study the monitoring of straw burning during the 2015 autumn harvest in Henan Province. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) extraction of burning point from straw incineration. Firstly, combining the MERSI(Medium Resolution Spectral Imager image of Fengyun No. 3 and OLI(Operational Land Imager image of American Landsat No. 8, the information of cultivated land distribution in Henan Province is obtained by the method of supervised classification. Secondly, an improved method for extracting the burning point of straw burning based on Fengyun 3 VIRR(Visible and Infrared Radiometer) image is proposed. Finally, taking October 1, 2015 as an example, the extracted burning point of straw is visually interpreted from the fire point of VIRR image. In order to verify the effectiveness of this method, the known data of burning cities and counties, the visual interpretation characteristics of CCD(Charge Coupled device images and the monitoring daily data of straw incineration in the Ministry of Environmental Protection were compared and analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the method in this paper. The results show that the extracted burning point of straw has good consistency with the verification data in spatial distribution: the burning of straw is mainly concentrated in Zhoukou city, Zhumadian city and Kaifeng city. The total number of burning points of straw in three cities accounted for 64.63 of the whole province, among which the burning of straw in Zhoukou was the most serious, and the number of burning points of straw accounted for 30.49. 2 of the total number of burning points in the whole province. Firstly, based on the method of extracting the burning point of straw in this paper, we use Fengyun 3 VIRR image to extract the multi-day burning point of straw burning in Henan province during the 2015 autumn harvest period, and compare it with the fire point obtained by using the thermal anomaly data of MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) in the same period. The results of fire point extraction were verified by visual interpretation features of OLI CCD images. Secondly, in Zhoukou area, where the phenomenon of straw burning is the most serious, the effects of local straw incineration on air quality are studied by the buffer analysis method using the extracted data of burning point of straw burning and air quality index (AQI(Air Quality Index). The possible influencing factors were analyzed. The results showed that there was good consistency between the extraction of fire point and the distribution of contrast data. In time, the phenomenon of straw burning was mainly from September 28 to October 2, October 9 to October 14; The space is mainly concentrated in the weak area of supervision at the junction of administrative divisions, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, Kaifeng, Nanyang area, and the straw burning fire point accounts for 72.18% of the total number of fire spots in the whole province. The temporal and spatial distribution of the burning site of straw in Zhoukou area has a moderate correlation with AQI, and the air pollution in Zhoukou has a lag of 1 to 2 days due to the influence of air diffusion, rainfall, wind and other meteorological factors.
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