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发布时间:2018-05-03 12:31

  本文选题:农田水利 + 基础设施 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Farmland water conservancy is related to national food security and economic and social development. The performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure investment directly restricts the development of agricultural productivity and agricultural modernization. At present, our country farmland water conservancy infrastructure still lags behind the agricultural development needs. The objective measurement and scientific evaluation of the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure and the analysis of its influencing factors are not only helpful to strengthen the government's decision-making ability in the investment of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure. And is advantageous to accelerate the progress that realizes agriculture modernization. Based on the theory of sustainable development, the theory of public choice and the theory of external economy, and on the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper analyzes the performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure investment in China and its influencing factors. Combined with the experience of other countries and regions, the relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. The general structure of the thesis is as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, describing the background, purpose, content and significance of the topic, analyzing the domestic and foreign research results, briefly introducing the research methods and technical routes of the paper; The second chapter is the definition and theoretical basis of related concepts, defining the relevant concepts of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure investment performance, the relevant theories are sustainable development theory, public choice theory, external economic theory and so on; The third chapter is the actual investigation of the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure in China. It analyzes the evolution of the investment system of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure in China, the development of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure in China, the results of the investment and the existing problems. Chapter four is the empirical analysis of the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure and its influencing factors. The DEA-Tobit two-stage model is used to analyze the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure in China and its influencing factors. The fifth chapter is the international experience and inspiration of the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure, through the experience of other countries and regions at home and abroad to draw lessons from the performance of irrigation and water conservancy construction investment performance. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the research and the countermeasures and suggestions, aiming at the problems facing the investment performance of farmland and water conservancy infrastructure in China.


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