本文选题:采煤沉陷区 + 土壤蒸发 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:采煤沉陷导致土壤物理性状恶化,进而引起的土壤水分变化是采煤沉陷区生态恢复最重要的限制因素,沉陷区存在大量的沉陷裂缝,导致地处半干旱区的神东采煤沉陷区蒸发更加剧烈,对植被的生长、生存构成巨大威胁。本文研究5种不同用量(100mg/kg、200mg/kg、400mg/kg、600mg/kg、800mg/kg)聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)对采煤沉陷土壤物理特性以及植物(紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa Linn.)光合特性的影响,选取采煤沉陷区土壤,采用人工模拟拌施与干撒两种施用方法,通过测定土壤物理性质以及植物的光和特性来进行综合分析与评价,得出PAM对其影响的基本规律,为PAM在采煤沉陷区的野外研究以及推广应用提供依据。主要结论如下:(1)对抑制采煤沉陷区土壤蒸发来说,拌施与干撒两种施用方法最适宜的PAM施用量分别为600mg/kg.400mg/kg;各种处理土壤累积蒸发量均可用对数回归模型拟合,且拟合效果较好。(2)PAM能够显著增加采煤沉陷区土壤的田间持水量、毛管持水量与土壤团聚体,降低土壤容重。在拌施条件下:4种物理指标的最适宜用量分别为400mg/kg、 600mg/kg、800mg/kg.800mg/kg;在干撒条件下:4种物理指标的最适宜用量为600mg/k、400mg/kg、800mg/kg.800mg/kg。(3)PAM可以提高紫花苜蓿净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率以及水分利用效率,降低胞间CO2浓度。PAM拌施与干撒两种施用方式间对于紫花苜蓿光合特性的影响存在极显著差异(P0.01)在拌施条件下,5种光合指标的最适宜用量分别为600mg/kg、600mg/kg、600mg/kg、800mg/kg、800mg/kg;在干撒条件下,5种光合指标的最适宜用量分别为600mg/kg、600mg/kg.400mg/kg、800mg/kg、 800mg/kg。(4)针对以上各项指标进行综合评价,结果表明:施用土壤改良剂PAM可以有效改善土壤物理质量,并且能够促进植物的生长,在进行采煤沉陷区植被恢复与重建时,建议PAM在采煤沉陷区最佳的施用方法为拌施400-600mg/kg。
[Abstract]:Coal mining subsidence leads to the deterioration of soil physical properties and the change of soil moisture is the most important limiting factor for ecological restoration of coal mining subsidence area. There are a large number of subsidence cracks in the subsidence area. The evaporation of Shendong coal mining subsidence area in semi-arid area is more intense, which poses a great threat to the growth and survival of vegetation. In this paper, we studied the effects of five different dosages of 100 mg / kg (200 mg / kg) and 400 mg / kg (600 mg / kg / kg) polyacrylamide (PAM) on the physical properties of coal mining subsidence soil and plants (Medicago sativa Linn.) The effects of photosynthetic characteristics on soil in coal mining subsidence area were analyzed and evaluated by means of artificial simulated application and dry spraying. The physical properties of soil and the light and characteristics of plants were measured. The basic law of the influence of PAM on it is obtained, which provides the basis for the field study of PAM in coal mining subsidence area and its popularization and application. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) for controlling soil evaporation in coal mining subsidence area, the most suitable PAM application rate for mixed application and dry spraying is 600mg / kg 路400mg / kg, respectively, and the cumulative evaporation of various treatments can be fitted by logarithmic regression model. The results showed that PAM could significantly increase soil water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity and soil aggregates, and decrease soil bulk density. The optimum dosage of the four physical indexes was 400 mg / kg, 600 mg / kg and 800 mg / kg 路kg / kg respectively under the condition of mixed application, and the optimum dosage of the four physical indexes was 600 mg / kg 路kg ~ (-1) of 400 mg 路kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1) of 400 mg / kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1) / kg 路800 mg 路kg 路3PAM of alfalfa under dry sprinkling, which could improve the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of alfalfa. There was a significant difference between the two application methods of reducing intercellular CO2 concentration. P0.01) the optimum dosage of five photosynthetic indexes was 600mg / kg ~ 600mg / kg / kg ~ (800 mg 路kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1); under dry sprinkling, the optimum dosage of five photosynthetic indexes was 600mg / kg / kg ~ 600mg 路kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1) / kg ~ (-1); under dry sprinkling, the optimum dosage of five photosynthetic indexes was 600mg / kg / kg ~ 600mg / kg / kg respectively. The optimum dosage of photosynthesis index is 600mg / kg ~ 600mg / kg / kg ~ 600mg / kg ~ 400mg / kg ~ 800mg / kg, 800mg / kg 路kg ~ (-1)). The results showed that the application of soil modifier PAM could effectively improve soil physical quality and promote plant growth. In the process of vegetation restoration and reconstruction in coal mining subsidence area, it was suggested that the best application method of PAM in coal mining subsidence area was mixed application of 400-600 mg / kg.
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