本文选题:有机肥 + 铵态氮 ; 参考:《核农学报》2017年05期
【摘要】:为了解析尿素配施有机肥对土壤氮库活动的影响,通过室内恒温培养试验研究尿素(225kg N·hm~(-2))分别与低量(30 t·hm~(-2))、中量(60 t·hm~(-2))及高量(120、150 t·hm~(-2))有机肥配施条件下棕红壤有机氮库、无机氮库的动态变化。结果表明,配施有机肥土壤的有机氮含量较单施尿素增加16.3%~85.6%。中、高量配施显著提高土壤氮素矿化速率(p0.05),加剧无机氮转化强度,与单施尿素相比,无机氮最大矿化量增加52.9~246.0 mg·kg~(-1),有效矿化持续时间延长5 d,转化量增大2.3倍~8.7倍;配施有机肥提高土壤氨化强度,加快铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)转化速率。与单施尿素相比,配施有机肥处理NH_4~+-N含量峰值增加2.6~42.6 mg·kg~(-1),平均氨化速率提高7.8 mg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),转化速率增加1.4倍~8.8倍。一定量配施有机肥(30~120 t·hm~(-2))对土壤的硝化过程无显著影响,但过高量配施有机肥(150 t·hm~(-2)),强化土壤硝化作用,硝化速率较单施尿素提高4.2倍,引起土壤硝态氮(NO-3-N)大量累积。氮素表观平衡结果表明,中、高量配施有机肥显著增加培养体系氮素表观损失,60、90和120 t·hm~(-2)处理氮素损失量分别较单施尿素增加2.2倍、2.8倍和2.3倍,占总输入氮的27.5%~34.5%,其中,NH_4~+-N转化损失是体系氮表观损失的主要途径。本研究结果为棕红壤合理培肥提供了理论依据。
[Abstract]:In order to analyze the effect of urea combined with organic fertilizer on soil nitrogen pool activity, the organic nitrogen pool of brown red soil was studied under the condition of constant temperature cultivation of urea (225kg / h ~ (-1), low ~ (30 t) ~ (30 t) ~ (-) ~ (2) and ~ (60) t ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (2) ~ (2) and organic fertilizer (n ~ (-1) 120150 t / h ~ (2) ~ (2) respectively under the condition of organic fertilizer application in brown red soil. The dynamic change of inorganic nitrogen pool. The results showed that the content of organic nitrogen in soil with organic fertilizer was increased by 16.3% and 85.6% than that by urea alone. Compared with urea application alone, the maximum mineralization amount of inorganic nitrogen increased by 52.9 ~ 246.0 mg / kg ~ (-1), the duration of effective mineralization was prolonged by 5 days, and the amount of transformation was increased by 2.3 ~ 8.7 times. The ammoniation intensity of soil was increased by applying organic fertilizer together, and the conversion rate of NH _ 4-N _ N in ammonium N _ 2O _ 4 was accelerated. Compared with single application of urea, the peak value of NH _ 4 ~ -N content increased by 2.6N 42.6 mg / kg ~ (-1), the average ammoniation rate was increased by 7.8 mg / kg / kg ~ (-1) d ~ (-1), and the transformation rate was increased by 1.4 times and 8.8 times. There was no significant effect on the nitrification process of soil by applying a certain amount of organic fertilizer 30 ~ 120 t / hm ~ (-2), but the nitrification was enhanced by 150 t / h ~ (-2) of organic fertilizer, and the nitrification rate was 4.2 times higher than that of urea alone, which resulted in the accumulation of no _ 3-N _ (3) in soil. The results of apparent nitrogen balance showed that the nitrogen loss of medium and high amount of organic fertilizer increased significantly by 2.8-fold and 2.3 times, respectively, compared with that of urea (6090 and 120t / h ~ (-2). The conversion loss of NH _ 4 ~ -N is the main way of nitrogen apparent loss in the system. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the rational fertilization of brown red soil.
【作者单位】: 农业部环境保护科研监测所;天津农学院;
【基金】:天津市自然科学基金(13JCYBJC25400) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(2015-aepi-08) 农业部“引进国际先进农业科学技术”项目(2015-Z7)
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